Where 2 is the command code, 1 is the device code, and 192 is the value.
To vary the resistance down:*C{Level #}* or *2{Level #}* Press and hold the last asterisk to keep decreasing the resistance. The resistance stops decreasing at a value of zero (near zero ohms).
The URC1 replies with a short then long tone when at zero to indicate “A” for acknowledge.
To vary the resistance up:*C{Level #}# or *2{Level #}#
Press and hold the pound sign to keep increasing the resistance. The resistance stops at a value of 255 (10K ohms). The URC1 replies with a short then long tone at a value of 255 to indicate “A” for acknowledge.
Note that there are only four pot controls
To set a Timer:
*T{Timer #}tt[*][ss][*][mm][*][hh] tt[*][ss][*][mm][*][hh] or *8{Timer #}tt[*][ss][*][mm][*][hh] tt[*][ss][*][mm][*][hh]
( | Time off | .......) ( | Time on | ) |
ttindicates hundredths of a second, ss indicates seconds, mm indicates minutes, and hh indicates hours. Where Timer # is
will set timer 2 on for 10mS and off for 10mS. To set on and off for 1 hour press:
Note there are no asterisks at the end of each time. This makes entering easier since all of the times are entered anyhow. The only time you need to press the ending asterisk is when you plan on not entering the hours.
After each time is set, the URC1 replies with a short then long tone to indicate “A” for acknowledge. When you are done entering the URC1 replies with a short then long tone to indicate “A” for acknowledge so that two “A”s are sent upon completion. Try it out to see how it works
Some more examples:
To set timer2 on for 120mS and off for 12 hours, 35 minutes: *820000351212*