Operating your
Power On/Off
Pushthe upper sectionof the button to turn on; lower section for off.
Sampling Frequency LEDs
In casethereis an interuption of datafrom the digital sourceor a malfunction of the digital source or connection,the ErrorIData LED will illuminate. This showsyou that your
Input Select and LEDs
The threeInput SelectLEDs correspondto the different input connectorson the rearpanel: Coaxial 1, Coaxial 2 andOptical. Your
Since input switching for listening and recording is detenninedby this order of priorities, you must turn off any digital sourcesyou don'twant to hearor record. There is anothervery good reasonto switch off other digital sources:
RF radiationsfrom unselecteeddigital sourcesmay "contaminate"the datastreamof the selected input sourceyou wish to hear. If you have more than one digital sourcep,make sureyou turn off the power of eachunusedsourceuntil you are ready to listen to it.
Polarity Invert Button and LED
This button allows you to selectbetween00normal operationand 1800 invertedpolarity. Even if you know if your preamplifier and power amplifier areinverting or
. Absolute polarity is not the
correlatesto the compressionwave (+) from outgoing speakerdiaphragmmotion rather than
Your choiceof 00or 1800polarity will be strictly a matterof taste. It may be easierto detect
differencesbetween00and 1800polarity with somerecordingsthan with others. Don'tbe discouragedif you cannothearthe difference - not everyonecan identify absolutepolarity.
De-Emphasis LED
Somedigital recordingsareencodedwith