MIC400 Series Camera Installation and Operation Manual
Other controls
Learn Wash Position
This is the position that the MIC will return to when the Washer Auxiliary is activated and Wash Wipe is turned on. This should point towards the washer jet nozzle.
Learn Alarm Position
This is the alarm position for the tamper switch. The MIC will return to this position if Auto Alarm is turned on, Multi Alarm is turned off and the tamper line in the PSU is pulled to ground.
Find End Stops
This will get the MIC to rotate in the tilt axis first down then up to its mechanical limit stops. It will then store a "soft" limit a few units back from these for normal use. During this process manual control is not available.
Show Boot Message
This will display the boot message that appears on the video for a few seconds, this may be helpful to determine the current software of the MIC, without having to do a full reboot.
Self Diagnosis
This function is for future products and does not work with the MIC400 or MIC412.
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Default Settings
The Default Settings tab reads and sets settings from the following sections:
-Manual Control Auxiliaries
-General Settings
-Auto Home Controls
-Multi Alarm Settings
-Lens Recalibration
-Frame Integration Settings
-All Thermal controls
All other settings will not be saved, loaded, downloaded or set through the following controls.
Get Current MIC Settings
This downloads the current status of each of the settings from the MIC and loads it into the text boxes and radio buttons on Camset. This provides an easy way of viewing the current setup of each MIC and also a way of copying the settings from one into the next.
Bosch Security Systems | Issue 1 |