MIC400 Series Camera Installation and Operation Manual
Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings tab offers engineering and special auxiliary control modes for Pelco and Panasonic protocols (see Help file for details).
The MIC stores various statistics about itself, including temperature and humidity, and various timers for different parameters, which may be of interest to the end user, but are mainly implemented as an engineering tool.
Temperature and Humidity
This will only work if the MIC400 has the appropriate control card with the temperature and humidity sensor attached. Current, Max and Min are displayed for
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both in degrees and a percentage respectively. If the MIC reaches 70% humidity inside the head a small "H" is displayed in the top left corner indicating a Humidity problem. If this appears, make contact with Bosch Security Systems.
The timers monitor most of the common functionalities of a MIC: Panning, Tilting, On Tour, Since Built, Stationary, Wiping and IR Lamp shown in Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
Clear All Statistics
This function will set Max and Min for temperature and humidity to the current reading, and will clear all of the timers to "0". This feature should only be used when a MIC is first built or repaired, and therefore is locked out with the Advanced Controls Password.
MIC Serial Number
This feature is used to set or read the actual MIC Serial Number. This may be required to reprogram the MIC through the telemetry. The Set function is locked out with the Advanced Password as this should only be performed at the manufacturing stage, however read is available to use as required.
Bosch Security Systems | Issue 1 |