1.View Caller History. This option displays a list of up to 20 of the last telephone calls that you have received.
2.Enter Names. Selection of this option allows you to enter the name you wish displayed when called from a specified telephone number.
3.Caller ID. This option allows you to turn the Caller ID feature On or Off .
Call History
The Call History screen displays up to the last 20 telephone calls you have received, whether they were answered or not. The time, date, number, and name if available, will be displayed for the last 20 telephone calls you have received. The latest call is displayed at the top of the screen. Press the
buttons on the remote utcontrol to scroll through the entire list.
Enter Names
This screen allows you to enter a name which you would like to be displayed for a particular calling telephone number. The name you enter will override the name, if any, that has been provided by the telephone company.
1. Select Caller. You can enter up to 20 names to be associated with 20 different calling telephone numbers. Choose
option 1 and use the buttons to scroll through the list of names.
2. Name. This option34is used for entering the name that is to be displayed when being called from the specified telephone number. Choose option 2, use the channel up/down buttons to scroll through the available characters, both upper