Mounting the Mast on a Hollow or Cinder Block Wall
Mounting Instructions
1.When installing togglers in cinder blocks, it is important to position them in the core of the block. To position the foot on the wall, measure
2.Center the mounting foot on the mark you made.
3.Level the center line of the mounting foot using a bubble level.
level on center line of template
Not Level
7 1/2"
4.Mark the four outside corner holes.
5.Remove the mounting foot. Drill a 1/2" hole at the marked locations.
6.Install the togglers:
a.Carefully fold one end of the metal channel along the plastic straps. Hold the metal channel flat against the plastic straps and slide it through the hole.
Metal channel
Fold in
Step 6a: Slide the metal channel through the hole.
b.Pull the ring so the metal channel rests flush behind the wall. Hold the ring tight and slide the plastic cap along the straps until the cap is flush with the wall.
Plastic cap
Metal chann
Step 6b: Make sure the plastic cap is flush with the wall.
AVOID Power Lines!
When following these instructions, take extreme care to avoid contact with overhead power lines, electric lights, and power circuits. Contact with power lines, electric lights, or power circuits may be fatal. It is recommended that the dish be located more than 20 feet from overhead power lines.
Mounting the Mast 21