Language code list
Abkhazian: | 6566 | Danish: | 6865 | Italian: | 7384 | Norwegian: | 7879 | Swedish: | 8386 |
Afar: | 6565 | Dutch: | 7876 | Japanese: | 7465 | Oriya: | 7982 | Tagalog: | 8476 |
Afrikaans: | 6570 | English: | 6978 | Javanese: | 7487 | Pashto, Pushto: | 8083 | Tajik: | 8471 |
Albanian: | 8381 | Esperanto: | 6979 | Kannada: | 7578 | Persian: | 7065 | Tamil: | 8465 |
Ameharic: | 6577 | Estonian: | 6984 | Kashmiri: | 7583 | Polish: | 8076 | Tatar: | 8484 |
Arabic: | 6582 | Faroese: | 7079 | Kazakh: | 7575 | Portuguese: | 8084 | Telugu: | 8469 |
Armenian: | 7289 | Fiji: | 7074 | Kirghiz: | 7589 | Punjabi: | 8065 | Thai: | 8472 |
Assamese: | 6583 | Finnish: | 7073 | Korean: | 7579 | Quechua: | 8185 | Tibetan: | 6679 |
Aymara: | 6589 | French: | 7082 | Kurdish: | 7585 | 8277 | Tigrinya: | 8473 | |
Azerbaijani: | 6590 | Frisian: | 7089 | Laotian: | 7679 | Romanian: | 8279 | Tonga: | 8479 |
Bashkir: | 6665 | Galician: | 7176 | Latin: | 7665 | Russian: | 8285 | Turkish: | 8482 |
Basque: | 6985 | Georgian: | 7565 | Latvian, Lettish: | 7686 | Samoan: | 8377 | Turkmen: | 8475 |
Bengali; Bangla: | 6678 | German: | 6869 | Lingala: | 7678 | Sanskrit: | 8365 | Twi: | 8487 |
Bhutani: | 6890 | Greek: | 6976 | Lithuanian: | 7684 | Scots Gaelic: | 7168 | Ukrainian: | 8575 |
Bihari: | 6672 | Greenlandic: | 7576 | Macedonian: | 7775 | Serbian: | 8382 | Urdu: | 8582 |
Breton: | 6682 | Guarani: | 7178 | Malagasy: | 7771 | 8372 | Uzbek: | 8590 | |
Bulgarian: | 6671 | Gujarati: | 7185 | Malay: | 7783 | Shona: | 8378 | Vietnamese: | 8673 |
Burmese: | 7789 | Hausa: | 7265 | Malayalam: | 7776 | Sindhi: | 8368 | Volapük: | 8679 |
Byelorussian: | 6669 | Hebrew: | 7387 | Maltese: | 7784 | Singhalese: | 8373 | Welsh: | 6789 |
Cambodian: | 7577 | Hindi: | 7273 | Maori: | 7773 | Slovak: | 8375 | Wolof: | 8779 |
Catalan: | 6765 | Hungarian: | 7285 | Marathi: | 7782 | Slovenian: | 8376 | Xhosa: | 8872 |
Chinese: | 9072 | Icelandic: | 7383 | Moldavian: | 7779 | Somali: | 8379 | Yiddish: | 7473 |
Corsican: | 6779 | Indonesian: | 7378 | Mongolian: | 7778 | Spanish: | 6983 | Yoruba: | 8979 |
Croatian: | 7282 | Interlingua: | 7365 | Nauru: | 7865 | Sundanese: | 8385 | Zulu: | 9085 |
Czech: | 6783 | Irish: | 7165 | Nepali: | 7869 | Swahili: | 8387 |
Clean this unit with a soft, dry cloth.
–Never use alcohol, paint thinner or benzine to clean this unit.
–Before using chemically treated cloth, carefully read the instructions that came with the cloth.
–Do not use commercially available lens cleaners as they may cause malfunction. (Cleaning the lens is generally not necessary although this depends on the operating environment.)