Record Setup
•SET SCHEDULE: Configures the schedule for individual Cameras. Press the K and L buttons to highlight the Set Schedule option and press ENTER. Press ENTER again to add or modify the schedule(s):
Schedule Record: OFF
Color: Color
Record Quality: High
IDSM Sensitivity: Standard
Record Speed: 30 FPS
| Line 01 | |
Schedule is Empty |
| Add |
| Modify |
| Remove |
zADD: Add a new scheduled recording time. Select the ADD option and press ENTER. Use the < and > to navigate within the setup, and press the + and - keys to set the day and time.
zMODIFY: Change an existing scheduled recording time. Select the MODIFY option and press ENTER. Use the < and > to navigate within the setup, and press the + and - keys to set the day and time.
zREMOVE: Deletes a scheduled recording. Press ENTER to delete, or ESC to cancel.
Normal Record Setup
Schedule Setup
CH1 Normal Record Setup
CH2 Normal Record Setup
CH3 Normal Record Setup
CH4 Normal Record Setup
Normal Record: OFF
Color: Color
Record Quality: High
IDSM Sensitivity: Standard
Record Speed: 30 FPS
1.CH1 - CH4 NORMAL RECORD SETUP: Setup for Normal (Manual) Recording on individual cameras. Press the K and L buttons to highlight, and press the ENTER button to access the individual settings for each camera:
•Alarm Record: Sets Alarm recording ON/OFF. Press the K and L buttons to highlight, and press the + and - buttons to change the setting.
•Color: Sets the Color recording type to Color or B/W. Press the K and L buttons to highlight, and press the + and - buttons to change the setting.
•Record Quality: Sets the Recording Quality. Press the K and L buttons to highlight, and press the + and - buttons to change the setting to Low, Standard, High or Best.
•IDSM (Image Difference Store Method)Sensitivity: Sets the IDSM Sensitivity. Press the K and L buttons to highlight, and press the + and - buttons to change the setting to Low, Standard or High.
•Record Speed: Sets the Recording Speed. Press the K and L buttons to highlight, and press the + and - buttons to change the setting to 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 30 FPS.