DVR Manager Software
5.SYSTEM STATUS INDICATORS: Shows the status of the current system
•LIVE: Indicates Live Viewing mode
•RECORD: Indicates the Recording status of the DVR.
•REPLAY: Indicates that the current video is previously recorded.
•TIME: Displays the current date and time of the DVR.
6.PLAYBACK CONTROLS: Controls the playback of previously recorded Video.
•REW: Reverses playback speed (2X, 4X, 8X up to 8,192X).
•PLAY: Playback of previously recorded video.
•FF: Fast forward playback of the previous image (2X, 4X, 8X up to 8,192X).
7.SEARCH / ESC BUTTONS: Controls the search and playback of previously recorded events.
•SEARCH: Searches through previously recorded Events.
This menu works the same as the Search feature menu on the DVR. See Page 20 for details.
• ESC: Exits the Search Menu.