Language change
Pressing the button will change the Teletext characters between Eastern and Western.
Pressing the button will stop the teletext page automa- tically updating. This feature is very useful where there are several teletext pages or data on the same page number.
Pressing the button changes between full screen top half bottom half full screen. This feature is very useful as it magnifies the image making the characters easier to read.
Pressing the button will reveal hidden text. This feature is used to reveal information such as answers to Teletext
While in normal TV mode only, pressing the button will display the teletext time in the top right hand corner for a few seconds.
Fast text coloured buttons
Fast text automatically displays the four most commonly used pages that the broadcaster thinks that you may want to choose next. Press the same coloured button on the remote control as the coloured link at the bottom of the teletext page to go directly to that page.
Pressing the button by entering its