Sharp 28LF-92H operation manual $ Huldo 7 ,1 1RW$HULDOVXSSOLHG/HDG, Typical Connections

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Typical Connections

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿$17￿%(;7$7￿￿&.$￿2)HULDO￿FRQQHFWLRQ￿￿￿79￿VHW￿RQO\￿￿￿79 ￿￿￿￿￿￿1RW$￿VXSSOLHGHULDO￿ ￿￿


$HULDO$￿17,1￿￿￿￿￿￿￿$￿9￿7(50,1$9￿￿￿￿%$(;7$￿/&$￿￿.HULDO￿2)￿79￿&RQQHFWLRQV￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿1RW79$￿VXSSOLHGHULDO￿DQG￿￿￿9&5￿￿ %$&.￿2)￿$9X&G5￿LR￿16￿RW9LGFDUW￿VXSSOLHGHR5￿/HDG)￿￿287￿￿￿￿￿1$$RHHUWULD￿VXSSOLHGLDOO￿/HDG￿,1￿￿￿￿￿￿1RW$HULDO￿VXSSOLHG￿/HDG￿￿￿

Note: For further details, please refer to operation manual of your VCR.

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21.01.2004, 08:29

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Contents 28LF-92H 32LF-92H Contents Terms of Guarantee Dear Sharp CustomerSafety Precautions Page Supplied Accessories Remote Control Buttons EXT-1, RGB, EXT-2, F-AV, SvhsControl Panel Buttons Antenna ConnectionsPreparation Before Switching on your TVSwitching the TV ON/OFF Initial Settings Operating with Remote ControlMenu System Operating with the onset buttonsSound Menu Picture Menu Setting Hue In AV mode only Picture ModeWide Mode Wide Mode Special detail informationFeature Menu INSTALL. Installation Menu Program. Programming Menu To start A.P.S AutostoreOther Features TeletextConnecting external equipment For Fastext$XGLR $ Huldo 7 ,1 1RW$HULDOVXSSOLHG/HDG Typical Connections$HULDO/HDG +,1 +,1 $1777 Pin Euro-SCART and 21-pin Audio/Video Rear TVTroubleshooting Following numbersSpecifications Cleaning The ScreenImportant Instructions Mains AC Operation50048416