Using the Intemet
When you are editing an input screen or specifying the Ethernet settings used for accessing the Internet, enter text from the software keyboard.
,,You can enter up to 128 characters for text.
--The text you enter is displayed as you type it in.
To move the cursor (the current input position), use
"_" | or "_" | on the software keyboard. |
Press 4/_ to select the type of characters entered: alphabet, number or sign.
(The selectable types depend on the input source.)
Enters a space.
While you are entering text, likely input conversion candidates are displayed based on what you typed in.
,,You can also enter text by pressing A, B or C on the remote control unit.
Caps Off/Caps On/Caps Lock
If "alphabet" is selected in "Character Set", this switches characters between uppercase and lowercase.
Each time you press ENTER, the character type switches as shown below:
Caps Off: all the characters are Iowercased
Caps On: only the first character is uppercased
Caps Lock: all the characters are uppercased
Applies the entered information and closes the software keyboard.
Closes the software keyboard without applying the entered information.
oYou can also close the software keyboard by pressing EXiT on the remote control unit.
Displays the icon "_J " indicating that a new line has been inserted.
Erases the character string.
o When the cursor is somewhere in a line: the character string to the right of the cursor will be erased.
oWhen the cursor is at the right end of a line: the entire line will be erased.
If the cursor is at the right end of a line, this erases text one character at a time.
oYou can also delete text by pressing RETURN on the remote control unit.
| 'V |
REC | (3D (3D |
_ |
CO |
| |
| |
S_,_G | 5 | EXiT |
| |
O | O | RETURN |
¢ | g | |
A (red) | ||
| B (green) |
C (blue) | ||
®®@® |
| |
D (yellow)
Movesthe focus up. Whenthe focus is at the top edge, this movesthe focus to the opposite edge (bottom edge).
Movesthe focus down. Whenthe focus is at the bottom edge, this moves the focus to the opposite edge (top edge).
Movesthe focus left. Whenthe focus is at the left edge, this mevesthe focus to the opposite edge (right edge).
When the focus is on "CharacterSet", this selects the charactertype (moving backwards).
When the focus is in an input box, this movesthe cursor inthe input box to the left. Movesthe focus right. When the focus is at the right edge,this moves the focus to the opposite edge (left edge).
When the focus is on "CharacterSet", this selects the charactertype (moving forwards).
When the focus is in an input box, this movesthe cursor inthe input box to the right.
Performsthe processing for the button currently in the focus.
Closesthe seftware keyboard witheut applying the originalinput elementsfor the enteredtexl.
Erasesthe text inthe input box where the cursor is currently located.
When the cursor is at the end of a sentence,this acts as a backspace.
Directlyenters predictioncandidate 1.
Directlyenters predictioncandidate 2.
Directlyenters predictioncandidate 3.
Entersa space.
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