JVC AV-28WFT1EI 1657, Press the red button to start the ID func- tion, To cancel the ID function

Page 27


4Press the ï button to change the Pro- gramme number (PR) of a TV channel to a new Programme number (PR).


1 Press the ë buttons to choose a TV channel.

Every time you press the ë buttons, the Programme number (PR) is changed over, and the picture of the TV channel registered in the Programme number (PR) ap- pears on the screen.

2Press the red button to start the ID func- tion.


You can register your unique Channel name (ID) to

the TV channel. When step 3 is completed, do not go to step 4, but press the ìbuttons to move the cursor and the ëbuttons to choose a character for completing the Channel name (ID). Then press the 3button to register the Channel name (ID) to the TV channel.



A CH/CC number unique to this TV and corresponding to the Channel number of a TV channel is required. Find the corresponding CH/CC number from a table “CH/CC NUMBER” on page 28 based on the Channel number of the TV channel.

3Press the ë buttons to choose the first character of a Channel name (ID) you want to attach to the TV channel.

1Press the ë buttons to choose a Pro- gramme number (PR) for which you will register a new TV channel.

2Press the green button and start the IN- SERT function.

To cancel the INSERT function:

Press the 9(Information) button.

4Press the blue button to display the ID LIST (channel name list).

5Press the ë buttons to choose the Chan- nel name (ID).

To cancel the ID function:

Press the 9(Information) button.

6Press the 3 button to register a Channel name (ID) to a TV channel.

3Press the ë buttons to choose “CC” or “CH” according to the CH/CC number of the TV channel.

To cancel the INSERT function:

Press the 9(Information) button.

4Press the Number button to enter the re- maining CH/CC number.

The TV shifts to registration mode.

When the registration is completed, the picture of the TV channel appears on the screen.


The CH/CC number is a number indicating the broadcast frequency to the TV. If the TV cannot de- tect the TV channel corresponding to the broadcast frequency indicated by the CH/CC number, a pic- ture in the no-signal state appears.


Image 27
Contents AV-28WFT1EI $7#35&$87,216 DuqlqjDxwlrq XLGHOLQHV#IRU#6DIH#2SHUDWLRQ 3XWWLQJ#%DWWHULHV#LQWR#WKH#5HPRWH#&RQWURO 353$5$7,21QLWLDO#6HWWLQJV Press the Main power button on the TVWhen a T-V Link compatible VCR is connected To cancel the Auto Program functionWhen not using the EDIT/MANUAL function When a T-V Link compatible VCR is not con- nected79#$XWR#3RZHU#2Q29&5# 709#/,1.#81&7,2163UH0VHW#RZQORDG LUHFW#5HF$6,5$7,21 7XUQ#WKH#0DLQ#SRZHU#RQ7XUQ#WKH#79#RQ#IURP#VWDQGE\#PRGH To use the Programme number PR 0 AV $GMXVW#WKH#YROXPHGhylfhv To return to a TV channel2SHUDWLQJ#ZLWK#WKH#EXWWRQV#RQ#WKH#79 =220#%XWWRQ 5027#&21752/#%877216#$1#81&7,2160XWLQJ#%XWWRQ 1XPEHU#%XWWRQV+35#6281#%XWWRQ KRRVH#WKH#=220#PRGH#,QIRUPDWLRQ#%XWWRQ 6WDQGE\#%XWWRQRORXU#%XWWRQV +ROG ~#7HOHWHW#&RQWURO#%XWWRQV#DQG#9&5229#6ZLWFKDVLF#RSHUDWLRQ 8VLQJ#WKH#/LVW#0RGHDqfho 5HYHDO6LH QGHPress the 3 button to display Menu main menu 018#235$7,21Press the 3 button to complete the set- ting 785#677,13LFWXUH#$GMXVWPHQW #02=6#$872#$63&7 785#$7856$872#915 285#6670785#7,/7 63$.5 6281#677,16752#2#,‡ 6RXQG#$GMXVWPHQWPress the yellow button and set the K S-VIDEO input #677,1+609,2#LQSXW Press the ë buttons or ì buttons to choose an EXT terminalEXT-1/EXT-3/EXT-4 To erase a name assigned to the EXT terminal+,/#/2 $7856#%$ #7,05Press the blue button and set the Child Lock function To reset the Child Lock function25#+705 7R#YLHZ#D#ORFNHG#79#FKDQQHO167$ $1*8$$872#352*5$0 To cancel the Move function 720$18$029 Press the red button to start the ID func- tion To cancel the Insert functionTo cancel the ID function 1657Press the green or red button to search for TV channel +2&´%5$18$ Press the yellow button to delete the TV channelWhen the Demo function is set to on To stop the demonstrationTo display the Demo menu Turn on the VCR Press the 3 button $,7,21$/#018#235$7,2168VLQJ#WKH#&25#+705,## Ixqfwlrq6HWWLQJ#WKH#63$.5#IXQFWLRQ RQQHFWLQJ#WKH#HWHUQDO#GHYLFHV $,7,21$/#353$5$7,21609,2#VLJQDO#+2&#VLJQDO,#VXFK#DV D#609+6#9&5 Ilhu709#/,1.#FRPSDWLEOH#9&5 RQQHFWLQJ#KHDGSKRQHV79#%877216#$1#3$576 URQW#3DQHO5HDU#3DQHO 7528%/6+227,1 AV-28WFT1EI 63&,,&$7,216