Code Table of The Universal Remote
Onwa | 105,240,339 |
Optimus | 279 |
Optonica | 347,362,487,171 |
Orion | 005,006,016,028,031,032,046,056,064,085,099,103,105,115,167,168,169, |
| 224,239,243,334,339,345,566507,211 |
Osume | 022 |
Otto Versand | 025,027,043,051,054,065 |
Pael | 003, 007,008,,024,091 |
Palladium | 177 |
Panasonic | 001,003,019,036,039,065,100,102,104,170,208,251,260,289,290,308,321,322, |
| 327,358,478,493,484,569 |
Penny | 232,233,236,319,325,327,328,329,334,341,342,353,354 |
Perdio | 024,091,007,033,149 |
Philco | 019,023,024,025,133,136,150,151,577,237,243,247,255,273,277,309,318,319, |
| 327,341,354,371,235,546,536,474,484,583,385,074,070 |
Philips | 003,026,027,071,136,070,172,173,174,074,228,209,024,091,007,149,141,005,032, |
| 115,046,064,155,235,255,284,288,296,297,298,312,327,328,332,356,357,483,484, |
| 583,385,536,472,387,516,425,460,515, 543,546,477,584,585,488 |
Philips/Magnavox | 387,389,543,585,488 |
Phonola | 149,156 |
Pice Club | 268 |
Pilot | 204,233,354,449 |
Pioneer | 000,027,065,612,261,279,343,349,410,411,452,556 |
Polestar | 192 |
Portland | 204,233,247,252,315,318,363,449 |
Prandoni - Prince | 007,008,024,032,091,129 |
Praxis | 606 |
Precision | 521 |
Price Club | 506 |
Prism | 290 |
Prosat | 001 |
Proton | 334,360,385,412,522,577,580,070 |
Pulsar | 005,316,319,336,56 6,441 |
Quasar | 251,289,321,322,493,478,569,484,406 |
Quelle | 004,005,007,008,009,010,013,024,026,027,028,032,044,046,049,050,051, |
| 058,064,065,067,091,114,115,199,134 |
Radio Shack | 105,204,233,246,256,266,294,339,362,374,222 |
Radio Shack/Reallistic | 380,385,449,535,560,561,583 |
Radiola | 005,032,046,064,115,209, |
Radiomarelli | 005,032,115,046,064 |
Radionette | 026,058 |
Rank(UK) | 022 |
RBM(UK) | 022,091 |
RCA | 182,157,189,232,236,542,559,564,570,484,535,537,538,581,583,574,575,532,380, |
| 415,429,452,453,454 ,383,459,461,413,414,496,517,547,549,096,161,160 |
RCA/Proscan | 025,246,247,248,249,251,252,285,286,287,319,331,340,343 |
Realistic | 045,105,204,233,320,333,338,339,354,222,171 |
Rediffusion | 005,032,040,046,064,115,154,110 |
REX | 011,021,032,075,076,127 |
Rhapsody | 489,241 |
Roadstar | 038 |
Rotel | 022 |
Runco | 3165,566,441 |
SABA | 000,005,032,046,064,065,072,082,088,107,115,136,166 |
Saccs | 009 |
Saisho | 004,006,028,031,085,102,163 |
Salora | 005,046,047,054,063,064,066,067,073,079,083,094,127,138,143,158,175,215,216,230, |
Sambers | 000,004,007,008,024,029,030,036,042,091 |
Sampo | 045,204,233,354,449 |
Samsung | 026,033,042,140,141,151,156,190,193,204,208,247,256,268,296,318,334,348,354, |
| 355,497,503,506,518 ,583,385,386,417,449,416,458,462,152,130,146 |
Samsux | 204,233 |
Sansui | 045,243,348,354,362,507,519 |
Sanyo | 013,022,026,031,043,058,063,072,109,110,111,112,113,143,148,151,163,175,183, |
| 238,250,265,267,295,324,323,333,418,448,558,125 |
SBR | 149,155 |
Schneider | 005,007,011,015,019,024,025,032,033,035,037,039,041,046,064,091,115,127,149,221,226 |
Scotch | 250,319 |
Scott | 103,105,239,240,265,256,334,339,344,345,348,512,490,385,391,211 |
Sears | 235,239,318,323,324,325,326,327,331,333,334,344,238,380,404,506,512,551, |
| 558,560,570,583,116 |
SEG | 093 |
SEI | 005,032,115,046,064 |
Seleco | 011,057,075,127,076 |
Semivox | 240 |
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