20 Preference Settings
ual and enter your local time in the Local Time option with the numeric buttons. The time format is day/month/year 24- hour:minute.
If daylight saving time is observed in your state at the mo- ment, set the Daylight Saving Time option to On.
Daylight saving adds one hour to the time when the option is set to On, and it removes one hour when the option is set to Off. When setting time offset via Greenwich Mean Time, make sure time does not include daylight saving.
3.3Parental control
In general television programmes are classified according to the level of violence, nudity and language of their content. When you are watching a programme, you can check its pro- gramme classification on the information box. For the infor- mation box, see § 5.2.3.
You can prevent your children from watching specific pro- grammes by specifying a programme classification.
Select the System Setting > Parental Control menu. You should see a screen like the left figure, and you will be asked your Personal Identifica- tion Number (PIN). The number is initially set to 0000.
Set the Censorship option to your desired maximum pro- gramme classification for family viewing among the follow- ing: