5.3.3System Controller Firmware 1.0
The following known problems applied to release 1.0 of the System Controller firmware (they are fixed in release 1.1):
■4810785: Recovery from output rail faults is not correctly reported under some circumstances. A PSU output rail fault is correctly reported when a fault occurs, but recovery from the fault may not be correctly reported under certain circumstances. For instance, when a PSU output rail fault is detected (the most likely reason for this is a blade fault causing a PSU rail to stop providing power), a fault will be logged by the System Controller.
However, when the underlying fault is removed (in other words, when the blade causing the problem is removed from the chassis), the System Controller will not report the recovery of this rail and will continue to light the service required LED on the affected PSU and on the chassis (even though service is not in fact required).
When the component causing the underlying problem has been replaced, the showplatform and showenvironment commands will correctly report that there are no faults on the system. However, the service LED on the PSU will still remain lit. To turn it off after replacing the component that caused the underlying problem, type the following commands from the System Controller’s sc> prompt:
sc>removefru -y psn sc>poweron psn
where n is either 0 or 1 depending on the Power Supply Unit involved. (You do not need to remove the Power Supply Unit.)
Note – Executing the removefru command prepares the PSU for removal but does not stop the PSU from providing power to the chassis. However, it does prevent environmental monitoring of the PSU by the System Controller. This is restored when you run the poweron psn command. Therefore, when you do this, the service LED will be reset.
■4826948: System Controller hangs if you telnet into it, type removefru (without
If you telnet into the System Controller and use the removefru command without the