To implement a configuration combining the ports NETP0 and NETP1 into an aggregated link called channel group 1, you would type the following commands:
Console(config)#interface port-channel 1
Console(config)#interface ethernet NETP0
Console(config-if)#channel-group 1
Console(config)#interface ethernet NETP1
Console(config-if)#channel-group 1
6.3.2Switch-to-switch Tagged VLAN Trunk Connections
The Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Switch Administration Guide also uses the term “trunking” in the sense of a point-to-point tagged VLAN connection between two switches. Section 4.3.12 tells you how to configure the chassis’s end of a connection like this to an external switch, and section tells you how to use the “switchport mode” command to specify that the connection is a “trunk” (as opposed to a “hybrid”) connection. If you specify “trunk” the port transmits and receives tagged frames only - in other words, it sends and receives only frames that identify their source VLAN. (However, note that it sends frames belonging to its default VLAN untagged.) If you specify “hybrid” the port will transmit and receive tagged and untagged frames.
To set the configuration mode for port SNP3, and then to set the switchport mode to trunk for VLANs 12 and 22, you would type the following commands:
Console(config)#interface ethernet SNP3
Console(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan add 12 tagged
Console(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan add 22
Console(config-if)#switchport native vlan 22
Console(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan remove 1
Console(config-if)#switchport ingress-filtering
Console(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Console(config-if)#switchport acceptable-frame-types tagged