Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
The TF 5000 PVRt Masterpiece digital receiver is fully compli- ant with the international Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standard, and can receive digital broadcastings. To operate it, you need an antenna, which must be installed appropriately.
Unlike analog broadcastings, digital broadcastings are not all assigned to their own frequencies; 1instead, several television and radio broadcastings are transmitted through a single trans- ponder on a single wideband carrier.
NOTE A transponder is in fact a wireless device, which re- ceives and transmits radio signals at a prescribed fre- quency range. You may regard a transponder as a channel. One channel has one broadcasting in ana- log broadcast; on the other hand, one transponder has several broadcastings in digital broadcast. So the word service is used instead of channel to indicate a broad- casting in this document.
To help you with the choice and setting for broadcasting ser-