1.2 Controlling the digital receiver 5
¤or a¡multifeed¤ ¡ if available.
⃝13 £V+ ¢, £V− ¢buttons change the volume, and select an op- ¤tion¡in¤ a menu¡ .
⃝14 £P+ ¢, £P− ¢buttons switch to another service, and move ¤the ¡highlight bar vertically in a menu.
⃝15 £OK ¢button displays the service list, and selects an entry
¤in a menu¡ or list.
⃝16 £FAV ¢button displays the favorite service list.
⃝17 button is used to select a subtitle track if available.
⃝18 £EXIT ¢button escapes from any menu. ⃝19 button displays teletext if available.
⃝20 button starts backward playback or backward scan.
⃝21 button starts a playback.
⃝22 button starts forward scan.
⃝23 button starts slow playback.
⃝24 button stops a playback.
⃝25 button starts a recording.
⃝26 button captures a picture from a live show. This button also pauses a playback.
⃝27 button moves the position of subpicture counter- colckwise.
⃝28 ¤ ¡button moves the position of subpicture clockwise. ⃝29 £SAT ¢button interchanges a
⃝30 button displays, resizes and hides a subpicture.
⃝31 button makes a a bookmark during a playback or a time shift.