Grizzly G0706 owner manual Adjusting Infeed Table Parallelism, GZVg AZi, 6YjhibZci, Gdci

Page 40

7. L]Zc i]Z dji[ZZY iVWaZ ]Z^\]i ^h XdggZXi VcYeVgVaaZaidi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY!gZ"i^\]iZci]Z VY_jhibZciWdaiXVehXgZlVcYhZihXgZlhZZ Figure 55!i]Zci^\]iZci]ZiVWaZadX`#

8.AddhZc i]Z _Vb cji VcY VY_jhi i]Z dji[ZZY hideWdai jcYZgcZVi] i]ZiVWaZhdi]Vi^i_jhi idjX]Zh i]Z Wdiidb d[ i]Z iVWaZh! Vh h]dlc ^cFigure 45 dc Page 34!i]ZcgZ"i^\]iZci]Z _Vbcji#

Note: When adjusted to the correct outfeed table height, use the stop bolt for a conve- nient method of ensuring the outfeed table is set at the proper height.

9. L]Zc i]Z Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism egdXZYjgZ ^h hjXXZhh[jaan Xdb" eaZiZY! egdXZZY id Adjusting Infeed Table Parallelism#

Adjusting Infeed Table Parallelism

1. BV`Z hjgZ i]Vi Vaa hiZeh ^c i]Z Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism egdXZYjgZ ]VkZ WZZc hjXXZhh[jaan XdbeaZiZY VcY i]Vi i]Z _d^ciZg^hhi^aaY^hXdccZXiZY[gdbedlZg#

2. BV`ZhjgZi]ZiVWaZ hjg[VXZh VcY i]ZegZX^" h^dchigV^\]iZY\ZVgZ[gZZ[gdbVcnYZWg^hi]Vi ldjaY ^ciZg[ZgZ l^i] iV`^c\ bZVhjgZbZcih! i]ZceaVXZi]ZhigV^\]iZY\ZZfjVaandkZgi]Z WVX`d[i]Zdji[ZZYVcY^c[ZZYiVWaZh#

Note: Make sure the straightedge is not in contact with an insert.

3. L^i] i]Z jhZ d[ V bV\cZi dg Vc Vhh^hiVci! bV`Z hjgZ i]Vi i]Z higV^\]iZY\Z hiVnh [aVi V\V^chi i]Z [jaa aZc\i] d[ ^ih XdciVXi l^i] i]Z dji[ZZYiVWaZYjg^c\i]Z[daadl^c\hiZeh#

4. JhZi]Z]VcYl]ZZaidVY_jhii]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ VhXadhZVhedhh^WaZidi]ZhigV^\]iZY\Z!i]Zc add`XadhZan[dgVcn\VehWZilZZci]Z^c[ZZY iVWaZ VcY i]Z higV^\]iZY\Z# GZeZVi i]^h egd" XZhhdci]Z[gdcid[i]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ#

>[i]ZgZVgZcd\VehVhi]ZhigV^\]iZY\Z^h edh^i^dcZY dc Wdi] i]Z WVX` VcY [gdci d[ i]ZiVWaZh!i]Zci]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ^heVgVaaZa l^i]i]Zdji[ZZYiVWaZVcYi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY i]jh! cd [jgi]Zg VY_jhibZcih VgZ gZfj^gZY# EgdXZZYidStep 7#


>[i]ZgZVgZ\VehWZilZZci]ZhigV^\]iZY\Z VcY i]Z ^c[ZZY iVWaZ! bV`Z V cdiZ d[ ]dl bjX] VcY l]ZgZ i]Z \Veh VgZ! i]Zc egd" XZZYidStep 5#

Note: To access the table adjustment bolts on the back side of the infeed table, remove the back table cover.

5. JhZi]ZhVbZegdXZhhndjeZg[dgbZY^cStep 5dcPage 37idgV^hZdgadlZgi]ZaZ[idgg^\]i ZcYd[i]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZidZa^b^cViZi]Z\Veh# 6Y_jhi i]Z VY_jhibZci Wdaih ZfjVaan dc ZVX] h^YZ [dg i]Z iVg\ZiZY ZcY d[ i]Z iVWaZ! dcZ V[iZgi]Zdi]Zg!^ckZgnhbVaa^cXgZbZcihhZZ Figure 56#














Figure 56.AdXVi^dchd[i]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ


6. GZeZVi Steps 4–5 jci^a i]Z ^c[ZZY iVWaZ ^h XdbeaZiZaneVgVaaZaidi]Zdji[ZZYiVWaZ!l]^X] l^aaVahdbV`Z^ieVgVaaZaidi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY#

7. >[ i]Z iVWaZ VY_jhibZci XVe VcY hZi hXgZlh VgZ addhZ! gZ"i^\]iZc i]Zb VcY gZ"^chiVaa i]Z egZk^djhangZbdkZYeVgih#

8. GZXVa^WgViZ i]Z YZei] hXVaZ id ZchjgZ i]Vi ^i gZbV^ch VXXjgViZ V[iZg bdk^c\ i]Z ^c[ZZY iVWaZhZZPage 40#


Image 40
Contents Model G0706 Parallelogram Jointer Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual AccuracyContact Info Machine DescriptionIdentification Machine Data Sheet Fence Information Safety Safety Instructions for MachineryKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety for Jointers 220V Single-Phase Operation Circuit RequirementsSetup Items Needed for SetupUnpacking Description QtyInventory Crate Contents QtyHardware and Tools Figure Qty Hardware Recognition Chart Cleanup H9692-Orange Power Cleaner & DegreaserVcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#  Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh#Site Considerations Moving & Placing Base Unit Mounting to Shop FloorBolting to Concrete Floors To lift the jointerAssembly To assemble the jointer@cdW =ZmCjiTo connect a dust collection hose Dust Port Test RunTo test run the machine Operation Overview Operations HiVgihiZbVXcZ# Basic Controls Follow these rules when choosing and joint- ing stock Stock Inspection Requirements#/22%#4 ™ Only process natural wood fiber throughSquaring Stock Surface Planing To surface plane the workpiece on the joint- erEdge Jointing To edge joint on the jointerTo bevel cut on the jointer Bevel CuttingCZZYiVWaZ# Rabbet Cutting To rabbet cut on the jointer HZiiZXjiic\YZeidgndjgdeZgVidc#LZ Xjiic\#Cutterhead Inserts Tools Needed QtyTo rotate or replace a spiral cutterhead insert  EdhidciZhigV\iZY\ZdciZdjiZZYiVWaZXjiiZgZVYh# AccessoriesH9291-12 Shelix Spiral Cutterhead G1029Z2-2HP Dust Collector G9643-8 Precision StraightedgeMaintenance CleaningSchedule LubricationTroubleshooting ServiceHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc DjiZZYiVWaZhhZiidd\# Outfeed Table Height Setting Outfeed Table HeightChecking Outfeed Table Height To set the outfeed table height Checking/Adjusting Table Parallelism Checking Outfeed Table ParallelismDjiZZYIVWaZ XjiiZgZVYWdYn#Checking Infeed Table Adjusting Table ParallelismTo check the infeed table Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism Adjusting Infeed Table Parallelism GZVg AZi6YjhibZci GdciSetting Infeed Table Stop Bolt To adjust the infeed table stop boltsSetting Fence Stops Calibrating Depth ScaleTo calibrate the depth scale To set the 45˚ inward fence stopTo set the 90˚ fence stop  I\iZciZVbcji# BdYZa%,%+B\#hcXZ&&$%.To set the 45 outward fence stop Hide7dai ?Vb CjiAdjusting Belt Tension To adjust the belt tensionDrive Belt Checking Belt TensionPulley Alignment Replacing BeltWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsG0706 Electrical Components HIDEHliX HI6GIHliXG0706 Wiring Diagram Magnetic Switch AssemblyParts FenceBdYZa%,%+B\#hcXZ&&$%. Table Parts List Cutterhead Stand Assembly Stand Parts List Labels & Cosmetic BdYZa%,%+B\#hcXZ&&$%. 10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY