Cutterhead Inserts
I]Z BdYZa <%,%+ he^gVa XjiiZg]ZVY ^h Zfj^eeZY l^i]^cYZmVWaZXVgW^YZ^chZgihi]ViXVcWZgdiViZY id gZkZVa Vcn dcZ d[ [djg Xjii^c\ ZY\Zh# >[ dcZ ZY\Z d[ i]Z ^chZgi WZXdbZh Yjaa dg YVbV\ZY! gdiViZ ^i .% id gZkZVa V [gZh] Xjii^c\ ZY\Z! Vh h]dlc^cFigure 33#
Figure 33.>chZgigdiVi^c\hZfjZcXZ# |
Tools Needed | Qty |
9g^kZgl$I"'%Idgm7^i######################################## & EgZX^h^dcHigV^\]iZY\Z###################################### &
To rotate or replace a spiral cutterhead insert:
2. Ejidc]ZVknaZVi]Zgdg@ZkaVg\adkZhidegd" iZXindjg[^c\ZghVcY]VcYh#
3. GZbdkZ Vcn hVlYjhi dg YZWg^h [gdb i]Z ]ZVY d[ i]Z Idgm hXgZl! i]Z ^chZgi! VcY i]Z hjggdjcY^c\VgZV#6h]dekVXjjbXVcbV`Z i]^hVcZVhniVh`VcY`ZZendjg[^c\ZghVlVn [gdbi]Zh]Vge^chZgih#
4. GZbdkZi]ZIdgmhXgZlVcYi]Z^chZgi!i]Zc XaZVcVaaYjhiVcYYZWg^h[gdbWdi]eVgihVcY i]ZedX`Zii]ZnlZgZgZbdkZY[gdb#
Note: Proper cleaning of the insert, Torx screw, and the cutterhead pocket is critical to achieving a smooth finish. Dirt or dust trapped between the insert and cutterhead will raise the insert slightly and make notice- able marks on your workpiece the next time you cut.
Tip: Use
5.GZeaVXZ i]Z ^chZgi hd i]Vi V [gZh] Xjii^c\ ZY\Z[VXZhdjilVgY#
>[ Vaa [djg ^chZgi Xjii^c\ ZY\Zh ]VkZ WZZc jhZY! gZeaVXZ ^i l^i] V cZl dcZ# 6alVnh edh^i^dci]ZgZ[ZgZcXZYdi^ci]ZhVbZedh^" i^dc l]Zc ^chiVaa^c\ V cZl ^chZgi id V^Y ^c i]ZgdiVi^dcVahZfjZcX^c\#
6. AjWg^XViZi]ZIdgmhXgZli]gZVYhl^i]VhbVaa Vbdjcid[a^\]ibVX]^cZd^a!l^eZi]ZZmXZhh d[[! VcY idgfjZ i]Z hXgZl id Veegdm^bViZan *%¶**^cX]$edjcYh#
7. Edh^i^dci]ZhigV^\]iZY\Zdci]Zdji[ZZYiVWaZ
VcY dkZg i]Z ^chZgi id bV`Z hjgZ i]Vi ^i ^h
^chiVaaZY XdggZXian VcY ^h Vi i]Z hVbZ ]Z^\]i
>[ i]Z ^chZgi ^h gV^hZY VWdkZ i]Z XdggZXi ]Z^\]i!i]Zc^i^hZ^i]Zgcdi[VhiZcZYYdlc XdggZXiandgi]ZgZ^hiddbjX]d^ajcYZgi]Z ^chZgi#GZbdkZi]Z^chZgi!XaZVcVlVni]Z ZmXZhh d^a! VcY gZ^chiVaa ^i# BV`Z hjgZ i]Z ^chZgi hXgZl ^h idgfjZY Vh Y^hXjhhZY ^c Step 6#
The outfeed table MUST be level with cutterhead inserts when they are at top dead center (their highest point during rotation). Otherwise, the workpiece cannot properly feed past the cutterhead, which may result in the workpiece kicking back and seriously injuring the operator.
8. 8]ZX` i]Z dji[ZZY iVWaZ! VcY gZ"hZi i]Z dji[ZZY iVWaZ ]Z^\]i Vh ^chigjXiZY ^c i]Z Setting Outfeed Table HeightdcPage 33#