Grizzly G0706 Cutterhead Inserts, Tools Needed Qty,  EdhidciZhigV\iZY\ZdciZdjiZZYiVWaZ

Page 29

Cutterhead Inserts

I]Z BdYZa <%,%+ he^gVa XjiiZg]ZVY ^h Zfj^eeZY l^i]^cYZmVWaZXVgW^YZ^chZgihi]ViXVcWZgdiViZY id gZkZVa Vcn dcZ d[ [djg Xjii^c\ ZY\Zh# >[ dcZ ZY\Z d[ i]Z ^chZgi WZXdbZh Yjaa dg YVbV\ZY! gdiViZ ^i .%• id gZkZVa V [gZh] Xjii^c\ ZY\Z! Vh h]dlc^cFigure 33#

Figure 33.>chZgigdiVi^c\hZfjZcXZ#


Tools Needed


9g^kZgl$I"'%Idgm7^i######################################## & EgZX^h^dcHigV^\]iZY\Z###################################### &

To rotate or replace a spiral cutterhead insert:


2. Ejidc]ZVknaZVi]Zgdg@ZkaVg\adkZhidegd" iZXindjg[^c\ZghVcY]VcYh#

3. GZbdkZ Vcn hVlYjhi dg YZWg^h [gdb i]Z ]ZVY d[ i]Z Idgm hXgZl! i]Z ^chZgi! VcY i]Z hjggdjcY^c\VgZV#6h]dekVXjjbXVcbV`Z i]^hVcZVhniVh`VcY`ZZendjg[^c\ZghVlVn [gdbi]Zh]Vge^chZgih#

4. GZbdkZi]ZIdgmhXgZlVcYi]Z^chZgi!i]Zc XaZVcVaaYjhiVcYYZWg^h[gdbWdi]eVgihVcY i]ZedX`Zii]ZnlZgZgZbdkZY[gdb#

Note: Proper cleaning of the insert, Torx screw, and the cutterhead pocket is critical to achieving a smooth finish. Dirt or dust trapped between the insert and cutterhead will raise the insert slightly and make notice- able marks on your workpiece the next time you cut.

Tip: Use low-pressure compressed air or a vacuum nozzle to clean out the cutterhead pocket.


5.GZeaVXZ i]Z ^chZgi hd i]Vi V [gZh] Xjii^c\ ZY\Z[VXZhdjilVgY#

>[ Vaa [djg ^chZgi Xjii^c\ ZY\Zh ]VkZ WZZc jhZY! gZeaVXZ ^i l^i] V cZl dcZ# 6alVnh edh^i^dci]ZgZ[ZgZcXZYdi^ci]ZhVbZedh^" i^dc l]Zc ^chiVaa^c\ V cZl ^chZgi id V^Y ^c i]ZgdiVi^dcVahZfjZcX^c\#

6. AjWg^XViZi]ZIdgmhXgZli]gZVYhl^i]VhbVaa Vbdjcid[a^\]ibVX]^cZd^a!l^eZi]ZZmXZhh d[[! VcY idgfjZ i]Z hXgZl id Veegdm^bViZan *%¶**^cX]$edjcYh#

7. Edh^i^dci]ZhigV^\]iZY\Zdci]Zdji[ZZYiVWaZ

VcY dkZg i]Z ^chZgi id bV`Z hjgZ i]Vi ^i ^h

^chiVaaZY XdggZXian VcY ^h Vi i]Z hVbZ ]Z^\]i


>[ i]Z ^chZgi ^h gV^hZY VWdkZ i]Z XdggZXi ]Z^\]i!i]Zc^i^hZ^i]Zgcdi[VhiZcZYYdlc XdggZXiandgi]ZgZ^hiddbjX]d^ajcYZgi]Z ^chZgi#GZbdkZi]Z^chZgi!XaZVcVlVni]Z ZmXZhh d^a! VcY gZ^chiVaa ^i# BV`Z hjgZ i]Z ^chZgi hXgZl ^h idgfjZY Vh Y^hXjhhZY ^c Step 6#

The outfeed table MUST be level with cutterhead inserts when they are at top dead center (their highest point during rotation). Otherwise, the workpiece cannot properly feed past the cutterhead, which may result in the workpiece kicking back and seriously injuring the operator.

8. 8]ZX` i]Z dji[ZZY iVWaZ! VcY gZ"hZi i]Z dji[ZZY iVWaZ ]Z^\]i Vh ^chigjXiZY ^c i]Z Setting Outfeed Table HeightdcPage 33#


Image 29
Contents Model G0706 Parallelogram Jointer Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy IntroductionContact Info Machine DescriptionIdentification Machine Data Sheet Fence Information Safety Instructions for Machinery SafetyKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety for Jointers Circuit Requirements 220V Single-Phase OperationItems Needed for Setup SetupUnpacking Description QtyHardware and Tools Figure Qty Crate Contents QtyInventory Hardware Recognition Chart H9692-Orange Power Cleaner & Degreaser CleanupVcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#  Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh#Site Considerations Mounting to Shop Floor Moving & Placing Base UnitBolting to Concrete Floors To lift the jointerTo assemble the jointer Assembly=ZmCji @cdWTo test run the machine Dust Port Test RunTo connect a dust collection hose  HiVgihiZbVXcZ# OperationsOperation Overview Basic Controls Stock Inspection Requirements Follow these rules when choosing and joint- ing stock#/22%#4 ™ Only process natural wood fiber throughSquaring Stock To surface plane the workpiece on the joint- er Surface PlaningTo edge joint on the jointer Edge JointingCZZYiVWaZ# Bevel CuttingTo bevel cut on the jointer To rabbet cut on the jointer Rabbet Cutting HZiiZXjiic\YZeidgndjgdeZgVidc#LZ Xjiic\#Tools Needed Qty Cutterhead InsertsTo rotate or replace a spiral cutterhead insert  EdhidciZhigV\iZY\ZdciZdjiZZYiVWaZH9291-12 Shelix Spiral Cutterhead AccessoriesXjiiZgZVYh# G9643-8 Precision Straightedge G1029Z2-2HP Dust CollectorCleaning MaintenanceSchedule LubricationHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting DjiZZYiVWaZhhZiidd\# Checking Outfeed Table Height Setting Outfeed Table HeightOutfeed Table Height To set the outfeed table height Checking Outfeed Table Parallelism Checking/Adjusting Table ParallelismDjiZZYIVWaZ XjiiZgZVYWdYn#To check the infeed table Adjusting Table ParallelismChecking Infeed Table Adjusting Outfeed Table Parallelism GZVg AZi Adjusting Infeed Table Parallelism6YjhibZci GdciTo adjust the infeed table stop bolts Setting Infeed Table Stop BoltCalibrating Depth Scale Setting Fence StopsTo calibrate the depth scale To set the 45˚ inward fence stop I\iZciZVbcji# BdYZa%,%+B\#hcXZ&&$%. To set the 90˚ fence stopTo set the 45 outward fence stop Hide7dai ?Vb CjiTo adjust the belt tension Adjusting Belt TensionDrive Belt Checking Belt TensionReplacing Belt Pulley AlignmentWiring Safety Instructions WiringHIDEHliX HI6GIHliX G0706 Electrical ComponentsMagnetic Switch Assembly G0706 Wiring DiagramFence PartsBdYZa%,%+B\#hcXZ&&$%. Table Parts List Cutterhead Stand Assembly Stand Parts List Labels & Cosmetic BdYZa%,%+B\#hcXZ&&$%. 10. 8dbbZcih $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY