The following is an overview of the Dual- Deck VCR front panel.
Power | Deck Select | Copy |
1 | 2 | 3 |
1P O W E R
Press to power the VCR on and off.
2D E C K S E L E C T
Press to switch control between Deck 1 and Deck 2.
3C O P Y T A P E
Press to copy the tape in Deck 1 to the tape in Deck 2 (see page 10).
4C H
Press to select the next or previous channel.
5T V / V C R
Press to switch back and forth between the TV tuner and the VCR tuner.
6M E N U
Press to display the VCR’s Main Menu.
7R E C
Ch | TV/VCR Menu | Rec | Audio |
| Video |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 12 | |
| 9 | 11 |
9S T O P / E J E C T
Press once to stop the tape in the active deck, or press twice to eject the tape. In the menu system, press to move the blinking selection arrow down.
1 0 P L AY
Press to play the tape in the active deck. While a tape is playing or recording, press to pause the tape in the active deck. In the menu system, press to move the blinking selection arrow up.
1 1 F A S T- F O R W A R D
While the VCR is stopped, press to
1 2 F R O N T A U D I O / V I D E O I N P U T ( L I N E 1 )
Press to start recording in the active deck. Press repeatedly to add recording time in
8R E W I N D
While the VCR is stopped, press to rewind the tape in the active deck. While a tape is playing, press to visually search backward (Review). In the menu system, press to return to the previous menu.
Connect to the composite video (yellow) and stereo audio outputs (white and red) of an external component, such as a camcorder or videogame, using RCA cables. Use the white input for mono sources.
•Line Input Labels - Throughout the menu system, the front audio/video input is referred to as “Line 1” (or “L1”), and the rear audio/video input is referred to as Line 2 (or “L2”). To change these labels to match the components you have connected, see page 43.
2 - Quick Tour