Glossary of terms
Access Authorisation to use the coding system to purshase/order TV programmes.
Audio system With digital satellite reception, the sound is transmitted in packages and is selected either in a special audio mode or
Coded satellite TV programme
Some satellite TV programmes are transmitted in en- coded form; with black screen and no sound. A Smart Card is needed to view such programmes.
DTH Direct to Home
DVC Digital Video Cassette
DVB Digital video broadcast
EPG Electronic Programming Guide, programme in- formation about name, starttime etc.
GHz Abbreviation for GigaHertz. The prefix giga means billion, and Hertz means cycles per second. Sig- nals in the GHz range are often called microwaves.
MHz Abbreviation for MegaHertz. The prefix mega means million, and Hertz means cycles per second.
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
PIN code Personal Identification Number. A
PSI Programme Specific Information
Parental control A feature that allows parents to "lock" programmes that they consider unsuitable for children. A "locked" programme can only be "unlocked" with the special secret code (PIN code).
RF Radio frequency (known as HF in some coun- tries).
RS 232 Serial data port
SCART A connector used for connection of e.g. Mediamasters, video recorders and TV sets. Also named Euroconnector or Peritel connector.
SI Service Information
Symbol rate Size of the digital package transmission
SW Soft ware
TS Transport stream
VCR Abbreviation for Video Cassette Recorder.
GB 21