Display Modes
When the input is 4:3 (the image dimen- sion usually used by cable television, television, and video cassettes), the user might want to eliminate the “black spots” on the left and the right of the screen.
By doing this, the user might choose wi- descreen, which distorts image by stretch- ing the whole image horizontally.
4 : 3 | 4 : 3 |
4 : 3 | WIDE SCREEN |
The user might also choose panoramic, | 4 : 3 | PANORAMIC |
which distorts the image only by its sides |
by stretching horizontally. The center por- |
tion of the image is undistorted. |
In most cases, widescreen videos (such | LETTERBOX (4 : 3 / 16 : 9) | 16 : 9 ZOOM |
as DVD movies’ widescreen modes) will |
have “black spots” on the top and the bot- |
tom of the screen (this is called letterbox). |
To eliminate this, the user may select 16:9 |
zoom. |
Sometimes the television might receive widescreen signals. If the user sets the mode on 4:3, the image might be distorted into a thin image. By fixing this, the user may switch to widescreen mode.