Cold- options menu gives a blue tint to the screen (part of color temperature).
Color Temperature- options menu- this allows the user to choose among the three styles of colors that are favorable to be projected: cool, nature, and warm.
Composite inputs and outputs this wiring consists of one wire that is responsible for both color and brightness. Used widely in cameras and VCRs.
Contrast- video menu adjusts brightness differences.
DVD- general- Digital Versatile Disc (Digital Video Disc).
FCC- general- Federal Communications Commission.
H (H size, H position)- screen menu Horizontal.
HDMI- inputs and outputs High Definition Multimedia Interface; this is used widely with high definition
HD PVR- general High Definition Personal Video Recorder; this device is used widely in satellite TVs and personal video recorders.
LCD- general Liquid Crystal Display.
LED- general Light Emitting Diode; a form of a light bulb.
Letterbox- general this is the video setting that is usually used by “widescreen” videos in DVDs. It includes “black bars” on the bottom and top parts of the screen.
Mild- video menu a video mode that centers all available options (contrast, brightness, saturation, tint, sharpness).
Mode- video menu a selection that allows the user to chose video characteristics: mild, vivid, and standard (user customized).
Mono- audio options a single directional sound.
MP- general Main Picture.
MPAA- general Motion Picture Association of America
MTS- TV menu Multichannel Television Sound; used on many channels to switch between main and SAP (Secondary Audio Program).
Multi Picture- remote control switches among picture in picture modes and main picture mode. Mute- remote control no sound will be emitted
Movie Rating Limit-
NAB- general National Association of Broadcasters
Nature- options menu natural color tint
NR- video menu Noise Reduction; imaging noise and distortion will be reduced