AR 0015 1I40I READY
ixfp snap,80e:80f,vol1=patev3
AR+0015 IXFP23D SNAP FROM CUU=80E CYL=′0000′ TO CUU=80F CYL=′0000′ NCYL=′ 0 D0B
15 yes
AR 0015 IXFP22I SNAP TO CUU= 80F STARTED AT 18:46:51 11/16/1998
AR 0015 IXFP20I SNAP FUNCTION COMPLETED AT 18:46:51 11/16/1998
AR 0015 1I40I READY
Figure 13. Decision-Type Message Issued to Confirm SNAP
VSE/VSAM support is not currently included in IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA. However, you can still take advantage of IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA with VSE/VSAM data sets. With volume snap, VSAM data sets can be indirectly copied when the VSAM catalog, space, and cluster are in the same volume. In VSE, you can reference the two USER CATALOGs individually through the use of the ASSGN JCL statement; however, the VSAM share option restrictions still apply. The ideal scenario is to assign the target volume into another LPAR so as not to encounter the restrictions and further processing or copy to tape using IDCAMS REPRO. If the purpose of the volume snap is for backup using FASTCOPY or DDR (VM), the VSAM share option restrictions will not be encountered.
See Appendix C, ªVSE/VSAM Considerationsº on page 59.
If the source is identified by its VOLID, it must be either the only volume with that VOLID or the only VOLUME with that VOLID that is up (DVCUP). Otherwise an error message will be issued.
The target device must be down (DVCDN) before you initiate the volume snap.
If the target device is identified by its VOLID, it must be either the only volume with that VOLID or the only volume with that VOLID which is down (DVCDN). Otherwise an error message will be issued.
Only when doing full volume snaps can you use the VOL1 parameter.
Volume copying is done unconditionally within the specified or assumed boundaries. VSE does not perform any VTOC checking on the specified target device and thus does not provide any warning messages regarding overlapping extents or secured or unexpired files.
When you duplicate a volume, both the source and the target must be within the same RVA. (If you are using test partitions, the source and the target must also be in the same partition.)