Appendix C. VSE/VSAM Considerations
VSE/VSAM support is not included in IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA. This does not mean however that you cannot take advantage of IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA with VSE/VSAM data sets.
It does mean that there is no support in IXFP/SnapShot for VSE/ESA to dynamically adjust the VSAM catalog to reflect the target of the SnapShot copy. However, through job control, a user catalog can point to the SnapShot copy and access the data on the copy. In our test, we created a VSAM user catalog (UCAT), space, and cluster on a volume at address 80E with serial number PATEV1. We then snapped the volume to device address 80F with serial number PATEV2, changing the volume serial number to PATEV1 in the process using the following procedure:
1.Close any opened files on the volume. (This may include shutting down CICS or other applications.)
2.Issue the following commands:
0 dvcdn 80f
ixfp snap,patev1:80f,vol1=patev1 0 dvcup 80f
3.The JCL to access the source volume is:
4.To process data from the target volume, use the following JCL to access the VSAM file:
The first JCL finds the source volume because its device address is lower than the target volume′s. The second JCL can only use the data from device address 80F because we have explicitly pointed to that device with the ASSGN statement. In this case, we can access the snapped copy of the VSAM files on device 80F and copy it to the original volume, if required as part of a recovery effort.
5.After using the target volume and its VSAM file, release the space back to the RVA by issuing the ixfp ddsr 80f command. (Remember that 80F would have to be DVCDNed before the IXFP DDSR command could be successfully executed.) You can also retain it online for use in a VSE/ESA partitionÐas long as the duplicate volume serial number and UCAT will not create a problem.
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