Block size for the 2770/2780 is normally limited to 160, but block size is 400 if the 2770/2780 has the Multiple Record Transmission. Block size for the 3780 is 512.
Switch #4 | ON | = | sends CR LF (Carriage Return, Line Feed) to asynchronous device immediately after |
| each logical end of block character (ETB, or ETX) is received from the synchronous |
| side. |
| OFF | = | Normal operation |
Switch #5 | ON | = | |
| device to be blocked and treated as variable length, i.e. no spaces are used to pad |
| out the block. |
| OFF | = | All blocks are treated as fixed length, which would require blank spaces, if necessary, |
| to complete the block size. (In 2780 |
| inserted after each 80 characters counted. The final record is the only one that may |
| be less than the block size specified). |
It is possible that a block will have only one record if you enter a CR after each record (2780 mode).
Switch #6 ON = 3780 MODE
OFF = 2770/2780/3741 MODE
Switch #7 ON = When RAM reaches a
OFF = When RAM reaches a
Switch #8 ON = 2 Stop Bits (asynchronous side only).
OFF = 1 Stop Bit (asynchronous side only).
3.2.2 SW2
Locate the switch labeled SW2 on the printed circuit board. (See Figure
Switch #1 | ON | = | Space compression on transmit (3780 Mode only). |
| OFF = | Normal operation. | |
Switch #2 | ON | = | Pass escape sequences through. |
| OFF | = | Convert escape sequences to CR LF or FF per Section 4.2.3 on page 20. |
Switch #3 | ON | = | No Asynchronous RTS except during bisynchronous receive |
| asynchronous side). |
| OFF | = | Normal Operation |