Use the buttons to switch to the selection field “End” and use the buttons or the numeric pad to select the desired recording ending time.
When all settings have been made, press the button to save the recording settings. You can view the recording in the Timer List view of the EPG (see item “Plan recording”).
Series recording depends on the EPG data being kept up to date at all times. This depends on the receiver being automatically updated at 03:00 (see section “Important Information - Switching off the receiver and updating the EPG”). Updating is important because it enables the receiver to recognise for purposes of recording any changes to scheduled transmission times of the series, provided these were incorporated in the EPG data supplied by the channel providers in advance of the latest EPG update.
Use the buttons to select the recording mode “Series recording”.
In series recording the start and finish of recording are taken automatically by the receiver from the EPG data. You can specify only a single value for the
is done using the buttons or the keypad.
When all settings have been made, press the button to save the recording settings. You can view the recoding schedule in the Timer List view of the EPG (see item “Plan recording”).