V B R I C K E T H E R N E T - N X G V O D Q U I C K S T A R T G U I D E | V E R S I O N 2 . 0 . 0 E |
Browse and Configure EtherneTV-NXG1 System
EtherneTV-NXG Administration
The server comes
•Open a web browser on the VOD administrators PC and type the following URL:
ohttp://vbvodnxg1/mbase/admin/ (make sure you include the final /).
oTo logon to the system:
User Name = mbase
Password =
In the browser, create a “favorite” or “bookmark” this page.
•To access the online documentation, select the link “Admin Guide”, from here you can access the Kasenna MediaBase XMP Installation and
Configuration Guide and the Kasenna MediaBase XMP Administrator's Guide.
•Follow the instructions in these two manuals for system administration and video content management.
C O P Y R I G H T V B R I C K S Y S T E M S | P A G E 1 7 | J U N E 2 3 , 2 0 0 4 |