V B R I C K E T H E R N E T - N X G V O D Q U I C K S T A R T G U I D E | V E R S I O N 2 . 0 . 0 E |
FTP Files and File Ingestion
Copy remote files and Ingest content - Necessary equipment:
•Ethernet switch or hub
•Ethernet, video, and audio cables
•CD containing video files
1.Logon to PC, and insert the CD into your PC.
2.Change to cdrom drive location (e.g. E:)
3.Open a command window, and type ftp x.x.x.x
4.FTP logon as vbrickuser
5.FTP password vbrickuser
6.Type cd /vbrick
7.Type bin
8.Type put zzz.mpg (zzz=video file name.mpg); quit ftp.
9.Open Internet Explorer browser, enter the ipaddress or name of server followed by the application (i.e.
10.Login as: mbase
12.Click on Content Pages>Video>Add Video/Audio
13.In the Source File window, click on Browse
14.From new window, click on /vbrick
15.From next window, select the file you uploaded
16.Click on OK, (This will insert the source file in the source file window)
17.In Video Name window enter a name that indicates the content. (Important - the file extension MUST end in .mpg for Mpeg1&2 and .mp4 for Mpeg4 files!!!!)
18.Select the correct encoding type (MPEG1, 2 or 4)
19.Click on Add
20.Next we will monitor the ingestion by clicking on Content>Video>Find/Modify
21.Click on Find
22.Your file should appear in the list
C O P Y R I G H T V B R I C K S Y S T E M S | P A G E 1 9 | J U N E 2 3 , 2 0 0 4 |