Auto Play
Factory setting O n m eans that discs start to play autom atically w hen loaded. S et to
O FF if you prefer to start play manually. Setting not effective if disc contains auto play inform ation .
Auto FTS
Factory setting O N m eans that w hen a disc w ith an FTS program (S ee “C om piling an F TS program ”) is loaded, the FT S program autom atically starts to play. Set to O FF if you prefer to control FTS play m anually.
Digital Output
N ot available w ith this unit. Leave this setting on O F F.
This feature is not available w ith this unit. Leave this setting on O F F.
Video Shift
Factory setting is such that the video w ill be centered on your screen. U se this setting to personalize the position of the picture on your TV by scrolling it to the left or right.
OSD Language
The player’s on
Audio CD Search
To search forw ards or backw ards through the disc at 4X norm al speed, hold dow n | or | for | |||
about 1 second during play. |
S earch begins, and the sound is partially m uted . |
| ||
To step up to 8X norm al speed, press | or | again. |
S earch goes to 8X speed, and the sound is m uted . |
| ||
To go directly to 8X norm al speed, hold dow n | or | again . |
| |
If the TV is on, search speed and direction are indicated on the screen each tim e | or | is | |||
pressed. |
To end the search, press , , or | as desired . |