9) M ENU: S elect this button to access the D V D m enus. Titles and chapters m ay be included on the
D V D O S D m enu along w ith C am era Angles, S poken language, and S ub
10)STOP: P ressing this button w ill stop play of the DV D disc.
11)PLAY: P ressing this button w ill start play of the DV D disc .
12)PREVIOU S / FAST REVERSE: P ressing this button w ill shift the play to the previous chapter.
13)NEXT / FAST F ORWARD: Pressing this button will skip forw ard to the next chapter.
14)GO BACK: If pressed in the O S D m enu mode this button w ill return you to the previous screen . This w orks the sam e as the R E TU R N on the rem ote control.
15) PAUSE: If pressed, this button w ill tem porarily stop play of the D V D on the fram e of play you are w atching. P ressing this button again w ill step fram e by frame . P ressing P LAY resum es play.
16)INFRARED SENSO R EYE: T his eye picks up the IR signal from the rem ote . A blocked “eye” w ill not allow the rem ote to function properly.
Rear Panel Connections:
Fig ure 4