Video Search
To search forw ards or backw ards through the disc at 4X normal speed, hold dow n | or | for | ||||||
about 1 second during play. |
Search begins and sound is m uted . |
| ||
To step up to 32X norm al speed, press dow n | or | again . |
| ||
To go directly to 32X norm al speed, hold dow n | or | until the | or | icon appears . | ||||
To return to 4X norm al speed, press dow n or |
| again . |
| ||
S earch speed and direction are indicated on the screen for 2 seconds each tim e | or | is | ||||||
pressed . |
To end the search, press | or | , or stop as desired . |
Playing an Audio CD
A udio C D ‘s contain m usic tracks only. You w ill recognize C D ‘s by their logo. You can play them in conventional style using a stereo system , or via the TV using the O S D .
You can play audio CD ‘s using the O S D only, or using keys on the rem ote control.
Playing a Disc
P lay starts as soon as the disc is inserted . If the disc is in a stopped state, press .
The disc starts to play; if the T V is on, the C D play screen appears on the O SD .
P lay w ill stop at the end of the disc. To stop play at any tim e press S TO P. |
| |||
You can resum e play from the point at w hich you stopped . P ress | w hen you see the | icon . | ||
T he resum e feature applies, not only to the disc in the player, but also to the last four discs | ||||
you have played . |
S im ply reload the disc, press | if the disc has stopped, and w hen you see the | icon on | ||
the screen, press | again . |