Listening to SACD
ItexistthreetypesofSACDdiscs:singlelayer,d ouble layer and hybrid discs. The hybrid discs contain a standardCDandaSACDlayer.
The SACD layer should always contain the music in a purestereoformat.Additionallyitmaycontainthe music inmultichannelformat.Somerarediscshoweverco ntain only multi channel signals on the SACD layer. The DVD 1235 R can play back all of these discs. Please followtheinstructionsbelow.
Play back of Super Audio CD (SACD)
Stereo SACD
•The player will automatically select the stereo SA | CD |
layerasthedefault.Afterreadingthedisc,theS | ACD |
indicatorwilllightup. |
•Nowthediscmaybestartedbypressingthe | |
button. |
SACDs containing a stereo and multi-channel area
•After loading and reading such a disc, the player | will | |
automatically select the stereo SACD area as the |
| |
default.ThisisindicatedbytheSACDindicator. |
| |
•Startthediscbypressingthe | button. |
Multi-channel SACDs without stereo track
The DVD 1235 R can also play pure multichannel SACDs, in which case they are reproduced as a two channeldownmix.Thismeansthatallsoundinforma tion (including that for the rear channels) is reproduce d via the stereo loudspeakers, ensuring that no musical informationislost.
Play back of the CD layer of hybid SACD discs
The DVD 1235 Rcanplayback bothof the SACD and |
| |
theCDlayerofthesediscs.SwitchingbetweenCDan | d | |
SACD layer is accomplished by pressing the | | |
buttonwhilethediscisstopped.Afterswitchingt | otheCD |
layer,the“CD”indicatorinthedisplaywillbeli | t. |
Duringplaybackitisnotpossibletoswitchbetwe enCD and SACD layers. First stop a playing disc before switchinglayers.
Compatibility with recordable media
The DVD 1235 R can play back recordable and rewritable discs (for details refer to the technica l data sectionofthismanual).
Due to the vast number of different disc types, dis | c |
manufacturers,discrecorders andsoftwareprograms | a |
guarantee for compatibility with every software/ |
hardware/disccombinationcannotbegiven. |
Ifcompatibilityproblemsoccurwerecommendtouse a differenttypeofdisc,adifferentrecordingdevic eand/or adifferentsoftware.