Approved usage
This device is designed exclusively for reproducing sound and/or pictures in the domestic environment. It
mustbeoperatedinadryindoorroomwhichmeetsa ll therecommendationsstatedintheseinstructions.
Wheretheequipmentistobeusedforotherpurpose s, especiallyinthemedicalfieldorforanypurpose where safety is an issue, it is essential to establish th e unit’s suitabilityforthisapplicationwiththemanufactu rer,and toobtainpriorwrittenapprovalforsuchusage.
equipment which includes a radio or television receivingsectionmustbeoperatedwithintheregul ations laid down by the Post Office and the Telecom municationsauthoritiesinthecountryinwhichit isused. Thisunitmayonlybeemployedtoreceiveorreprod uce those transmissions which are intended for public consumption. The reception or reproduction of other
transmissions (e.g. police radio or mobile radio b | road |
casts)isprohibited. |
Theonlypermissiblemethodofdisposingof thisproductistotakeittoyourlocalcollection centreforelectricalwaste.
Fitting new batteries:
To open the
battery compart
ment disconnect the latch by pressing in, then liftthecoverout. Remove the old cells and fit new
dry cells of the LR 03 (MICRO) type in the battery compartment,takingcaretofitthemwithcorrectp olarity. Pleaserememberthat all the cells must be replacedat thesametime.
If you have already reset the remote control syste | m to |
Address2,youwillneedtorepeatthechangeproce | dure |
afterfittingnewbatteries. |
Note regarding disposal of exhausted batteries:
Exhausted batteries must not be thrown in the ordinary domestic waste! In accordance with the batterydecree (BattVO)theyshouldbereturnedtothe
| battery supplier or to your local toxic waste colle | ction | |
| point,sothattheycanberecycledordisposedof | safely. | |
| Localcouncilsareobligedtomakecollectionconta | iners | |
| available, or to make other arrangements for collec | ting | |
| exhaustedbatteries. |
Care of the DVD player:
Alwaysdisconnecttheunitfromthemainssupplybe fore cleaningit.
Thesurfacesofthecaseshouldbewipedcleanwith a soft,dryclothonly.
Beforeswitchingtheunitonagaincheckcarefully thatno shortcircuitsexistattheterminals,andthatyou havenot disturbedanyconnections.
Device approval and conformity with EC directives
Initsoriginalconditiontheunitmeetsallcurren |
| tlyvalid |
| |
GermanandEuropeanregulations.Itisapprovedfor | use | |||
asstipulatedwithintheEC. |
By attaching the symbol to the machine, | | |||
declares its conformity with the EC directives |
| |||
89/336/EEC, amended by 91/263/EEC and | 93/68/EEC, | |||
and 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC, | and | the |
| |
nationallawsbasedonthosedirectives. |
The original, unaltered factory serial number must | be | |||
presentontheoutside oftheunit, and mustbecle | arly | |||
legible. The serial number is a constituent part of | our |
| ||
conformity declaration and therefore of the officia | l | |||
approvalforoperationofthedevice. |
Theserialnumbersonthedeviceandintheorigina | l | |||
documentationsuppliedwithit(in particular the i | nspec |
| ||
tionandguaranteecertificates),mustnotberemov | edor |
| ||
modified,andmustmatchexactly. |
Infringing any of these conditions invalidates |
| con |
| |
formity and approval, and the unit may not then be |
| ||
operatedwithintheEC. Improperuseoftheequipmen |
| t | ||
renderstheuserliabletopenaltyundercurrentEC | and |
| ||
nationallaws. |
Any modifications or repairs to the unit, or any ot | her | |||
intervention by a workshop or other third party not |
| |||
authorised by , invalidates the approval and |
| |||
operationalpermitfortheequipment. |
Onlygenuine accessoriesmaybeconnectedtothe |
| |||
DVD player, or such auxiliary equipment which is its | elf | |||
approved, and fulfils all currently valid legal req | uire |
| ||
ments. |
When used in conjunction with auxiliary devices or | as | |||
partofasystem, this devicemay only beused for |
| the | ||
purposes stated in the section entitled | 'Approved | |||
usage'. |
FCC Information to the user
(for use in the United States of America only)
Class B digital device
– instructions:
Note: This equipment has been
testedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaCl | assB | |
digital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC Rules | . | |
These limits are designed to provide reasonable | ||
protection against harmful interference in a reside |
| ntial |
installation. This equipment generates, uses and ca | n | |
radiateradiofrequency energy and, ifnotinstalle | dand | |
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause |
| |
harmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications. Howev | er, | |
thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoc | curina | |
particular installation. If this equipment does cau | se | |
harmful interference to radio or television recepti | on, | |
which can be determined by turning the equipment of | f | |
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct th | e | |
interferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasur | es: | |
Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. |
Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentand | ||
receiver. |
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit |
| |
differentformthattowhichthereceiverisconnec |
| ted. |
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technicianforhelp.