Hints for using the DVD 1235 R in combination with SR 1535 R
and DD 1535 R
Wirethesystemaccordingtothediagramsandexecu te all steps described in the chapters 'Setting up the DVD 1235 R, Wiring and Safety Notes'.
Operation of DD 1535 R (software version > 1.10)
•For playback of CDs and SACDs in Stereo mode choose“CD”assourceandswitchtoPREAMPmode. You will now hear the CD in highest possible sound quality over the excellent D/A converters of the DVD 1235 Randtheshortdirectandaudiophilesignal pathsofyour stereoamplifier.
•To play back CDs and SACDs in ProLogic or NEO:6 surroundmodechooseCDassourceandswitchyour system to SURROUND mode (green SRND button). You can now choose the surround mode using the mainmenuofyour DD 1535 R.
Operation of SR 1535 R (software version > 1.20)
•For playback of CDs and SACDs in Stereo mode choose 'CD'as source. You can now select a sound mode (Stereo, Surround, Sound Fields etc.) by pressingthegreen button.
•Forstereoreproductioninthehighestquality,sw | itchto | ||
HIGHQUALITY mode | using the | button | |
underneaththeflapofthe | SR 1535 R. |