Setting Up the DVD 1235 R
Carefullyunpackthe DVD 1235 Randstoretheoriginal
packingmaterialscarefully. Thecartonandpacking | are | |
speciallydesignedforthisunitandwillbeneeded | againif | |
youwishtomovetheequipmentatanytime.Please |
| be |
suretoreadthesafetynotesintheseinstructions | . |
Iftheunitgetsverycold(e.g.whenbeingtransp | orted), | |
condensationmayforminsideit.Pleasedonotswit |
| chit |
on until it has had plenty of time to warm up to ro |
| om |
temperature, so that any condensation evaporates | ||
completely. |
Before placing the unit on a sensitive surface, ple | ase | |
checkthecompatibilityofthelacquerandtheunit | ’sfeet | |
atanonvisiblepoint.Fitalayerofprotectivem | aterialif | |
necessary. |
Theunitshouldbesetuponarigid,levelbase.I | fyouare | |
placingtheunitonresonanceabsorbers ordecoupl | ing | |
components,makesurethattheydonotcompromise | its | |
stability. |
Theunitshouldbesetupinadry,wellventilated | site,out | |
of direct sunlight and away from radiators and othe | r | |
heaters. Itmustnot be locatedclose to heatprodu |
| cing |
objects or devices, oranything that is heatsensit | ive or | |
highlyinflammable. |
The DVD 1235 Rplayermustneverbesetupbetween heatgenerating devices such as integrated amplifie rs (PA),poweramplifiersorsurrounddecoders(DD).
The DVD 1235 R should never be placed on top of an amplifieroranyotherdevicethatcanbecomehotd uring operation.
Eitherplacethedeviceatthesideofotherequipm entor ontopofcooldevicesliketuners,preampsetc.
'R' series devices dissipate some of their heat via th | e | |||||
case cover. For this reason units of any other make |
| |||||
whichareplacedontopofa | 'R'seriesdevicemust |
| ||||
standonfeetatleast2cmhigh. |
| |||
Wheninstallingtheunitonashelforinacupboar | ditis |
essential to provide an adequate flow of cooling ai | r, to |
ensurethattheheatproducedbythe unitis dissip | ated |
effectively.Forthisreasontheremustbeatleast | 10cm |
free space to both sides and behind the units. There shouldalsobe10cm abovethecase to the next cup boardorshelf.
of the DVD player, and could be a source of danger!Any heat
Mechanical |
The area on which you set up your highquality HiF | i |
equipment, and the actual surface on which it stand | s, |
haveaninfluenceontheachievablesoundqualityw | hich |
shouldnotbeunderestimated.Thesurfaceshouldb | eas |
heavy, stable, hard and flat as possible. The unit | is |
suppliedwiththenewlydeveloped conicalabsorber
feet. Thesefeetfeatureinternaldampingcharacter | istics |
whichdecoupletheplayerextremelyeffectivelyfr | omthe |
basesurface. |
The absorber cones can be screwed in or out to compensateexactlyforanyunevennessofthebases ur face.
Theunitmustbeadjustedcarefullysothatitise xactly horizontal in all directions. All the feet must mak e firm contactwiththebasesurface;theunitmustnot 'wobble'!