Menu Features
The play back control function can be set to | 'On' or |
'OFF'.If 'On'isselected,thediscmenu(ifavailableon | |
thedisc)canbeaccessedandwilldisplayedonthe | TV. |
Note: This function is available for video CDs (VCD) version2.0only
The Sleeptimer, if switched on, will switch the DVD 1235 R OFF, if the playback is stopped for more than20minutes.
Menu Access
Togainaccesstothesubmenusofthismenu,youmu st enter your four digit PIN number first in the subme nu 'Enter PIN'.
ThefactorysettingforthePINcode0000.Thiscode can be changed any time (see 'Change PIN'). In case you have forgotten your PIN number, please follow the instructionsgiveninchapter 'Trouble shooting'.
Disc lock
You can lock certain of your DVDs to prevent unauthorizedplaybackofthesediscs.
AfteraDVDislocked,youwillbepromptedforyou rPIN numberbeforethisDVDcanbestarted.Withoutava lid PIN number this DVD will not be played back on this player.
Change PIN
FirstenteryourPINnumberinsubmenu | 'Enter Pin'. |
Thennavigatetothe 'Change PIN'submenu.Hereenter yourPINnumberonceagain. Afterthatenteryourn ew PINnumbertwice.
The new PIN number is now valid. Please rember this PINnumberwell.
Enter PIN
Enter your four digit PIN code in the input box. Af | ter |
enteringavalidPINnumberallothersubmenuesof | the |
ACCESSmenuwillbeaccessible. |
ThefactorydefaultPINnumberis 0000
Accesslevelcodes(ParentalLevel)areonlyvalid forthe country specified on the disc (set by the disc manufacturer).Forthisreasonitmightbenecessar ytoset theaccesslevelforcertaindiscsmanually.
Parental level
In this submenu you can enter an access level for t | he |
discintheplayer. Thislevelwillbestoredfort | hisdisc. |
Fromnowonscenesofthisdiscwithalevelhigher | than |
thelevelyouhaveenteredwillnotbeplayedorwi | llbe |
replacedbyalternativescenes(ifavailableonthe | disc). |
VCD,SVCDorCDDiscsas wellasmostillegalDVD copiesdonothaveaparentallevelfeature.
Explanation of the parental level codes:
8 | Suitableforadultsonly,nottobeviewedbychil | dren. |
7 | Notsuitableforchildrenunder17. |
6 | Viewingwithsupervisionbyadults;itisrecommen | ded |
| thatchildrenunder17shouldnotwatchthesediscs | |
| withoutthepresenceofaparent. |
4 | Notsuitableforchildrenunder13. |
1 Suitableforallages.
0 noparentallevelcontrolavailableonthisdisc.