Safety notes
All components used in this device meet the current GermanandEuropeansafetynormsandstandards.For
your own safety please be sure to read right throug | h | |
theseoperating instructions. Itisespeciallyimpo | rtant to | |
observe the safety notes and the instructions regar |
| ding |
settingupandoperatingtheequipment. |
Weare able to guarantee that our products are of t |
| he |
highest quality, and meet all our specifications in |
| full, |
because we carry out strict quality checking of all materials, employ painstaking production methods
controlledbyhighlyqualifiedstaff,andcarry out | a fully | ||
automatic, computercontrolled final quality | contro l | ||
procedure. |
Please read right through these operating instructi | ons | ||
carefullybeforeyouattempttouseyournewequipm | ent. | ||
Note in particular the information regarding settin | g up | ||
andoperatingtheunit,andthesafetynotes. |
Themachinemustbesetupinsuchawaythatthere | is | ||
nochanceofanyone especiallychildren touchin |
| gthe | |
back panel connections. Be sure to observe the note | s | ||
and instructions in the chapter entitled | 'Installation, | ||
Using the unit for the first time, Safety notes'. |
| ||
Thepowersupplyrequiredforthismachineisprint |
| edon | |
the mains supply socket. The unit must never be | |||
connectedtoapowersupplywhichdoes notmeetthi | s | ||
specification.Ifthemachineisnottobeusedfor | along | ||
period, disconnect it from the mains supply at the | wall | ||
socket. |
Mainsleadsmustbedeployedinsuchawaythatthe |
| reis | |
nodangerofdamagefromfurniture,orpeopletread | ing | ||
onthemetc.Takeparticularcarewithmainsplugs, | dis | ||
tributionpanelsandtheconnectionsonthebackpa |
| nelof | |
theplayer. |
Liquidorforeignbodiesmustneverbeallowedinsi dethe case through the ventilation slots. Mains voltage i s
presentinsidetheunit,andthereisariskoflet halelec tricshock.
Protecttheunitfromdripsandsplashesofwater; never placeflowervasesorothervesselscontainingflui dson topofthecase.
The mains button is not a mains isolation switch. Even when the green LED is not glowing, parts of the machine remain connected to the mains power supply. If the machine is not to be used for a long period, we recommend that you isolate it from the mains by pulling out the plug at the wall socket.
This device should never be used without proper supervision.Themachineshouldbesetupwellout ofthe reach of small children. This applies to all electr ical equipment.
Theunitshouldonlyeverbeopenedbya qualifiedspecialisttechnician.
Repairsandfusereplacementsshouldbeentrustedt |
| oan |
authorised specialistworkshop. |
With the exception of the connections and procedure | s | |
describedintheseinstructions,noworkofanykin | dmay | |
becarriedoutonthemachinebyunqualifiedperson | s. | |
If the unit is damaged, or if you suspect that it i |
| s not |
functioning correctly, immediately disconnect the m |
| ains |
plug at the wall socket, and ask an authorised |
| |
specialistworkshoptocheckit. |
The unit may be damaged by excess voltage in the power supply, the cable network or aerial systems, as may occur due to static discharge or during thunder storms(lightningstrikes).
Specialpowersupplyunitsandexcessvoltageprotec tors suchasthe 'Power Bar'mains distributionpanel offer some degree of protection from damage to equipmentduetothehazardsdescribedabove.
However, if you require absolute security from dama | ge |
duetoexcessvoltage,theonlysolutionistodisc | onnect |
the unit from the mains power supply and any aerial | |
systems. |
Ifyoubelievethereisadangerofexcessvoltage | (e.g. |
when an electrical storm is building up) disconnect | the |
machinefromthemainsandtheaerialsocket. |
Allmainspowersupplyandaerialsystemstowhich | the |
unit is connected must meet the currently valid | |
regulations,andmustbeinstalledbyanapprovede | lec |
tricalinstaller. |
Manyinsurancecompaniesofferlightningdamagecov er for electrical equipment as part of their general householdinsurance.