Explanation of terms, useful information
DVDs can be recognised by the logoshownhere.
DVDs have a very high storage capacity, and offer topquality pictureandsoundreproduction.
Video CDs (VCD) can be recognised by the logo shown here. They also provide digital picture and sound information, but their lower storage capacity means that they do not quite attainthequalityofDVDs.
DependingonthetypeofmaterialstoredontheDVD or VCD (cinema film, video clips, film trailers, infor mation, bonusmaterialetc.)thediscmaycontainoneorse veral titles. Each title may be subdivided into several Chapters. These chapters allow direct access to individualfilmscenes.
ForhistoricalreasonstitlesonaVCDarealsokno wnas tracks,andchaptersasan index.
ThisDVDplayerprovides simple,convenientaccesst | o | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
any title or chapter by means of the onscreen cont | rol | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bar. |
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Important notes
The actual behaviour of any particular DVD is determined by the disc manufacturer. Different DVDs may vary considerably in their menu operation and running characteristics (e. g. resume, skip back to menu, end of playback at end of title etc.).
These operating instructions can only describe the basic „normal behaviour“.
If a DVD does not conform to this, please follow the DVD manufacturer’s instruc- tions, as displayed on the TV screen.
Some DVDs feature a regional code implanted by the manufacturer,designedtolimittheuseofthesedi scsto particularregionsoftheworld. The SADV 1245 Rplays allDVDsintendedfortheregiontheunitisintende dfor andallDVDswhichfeaturenoregionalrestriction.
IfyouinsertaDVDinthediscdrawer,andseeano teon thescreen informingyou ofanincorrect regionalc ode, pleasecontactyourDVDsupplierandexchangetheDV D foraversionapprovedforyourregion.