Notes on wiring
• Youwillfindwiringdiagramsonthefollowingpag | es. |
•Make all connections as shown in the wiring diagrams.
• Push all connectors firmly into their sockets. Loo | se |
connectionscancausehummingandotherunwanted |
noises. |
• Pleasealsomakeallnecessaryadjustmentslikein | put |
assignments etc. on your surround amplifier or |
surroundreceiver. |
•Deploy the mains and loudspeaker cables and the RLINK lead as far as possible from signal inter connectsandaerialleads.
•Connect the machine to a properly earthed mains socketusingthemainsleadsupplied.
•To obtain maximum interference rejection the mains
plugshouldbefittedinthemainssocketwithphas | e |
connectedtothemainsinputsocketcontactwhichi | s |
markedwithadot( ).Thephaseofthemainssocket | |
can be found using a suitable instrument; ask your |
specialistdealerfordetails. |
We recommend the use of the readymade | |
'POWER LINE' mains lead in conjunction with the 'POWER BAR' mainsdistributionpanel;thisunitfeatures aphaseindicatorasstandard.
Once the system is completely wired, set the volume
controltoaverylowvalueandswitchtheplayero n.
Theintegralscreenofthe SADV 1245 Rshouldnowlight up,andtheplayershouldrespondtocontrolcomman ds.
Place an audio CD in the disc drawer, and press the buttontostartplayback.
Switchtheamplifiertothesourcedevice 'CD',switchon theloudspeakeroutput,andyoushouldheartheCD.
Ifyouencounterproblemswhenusingtheplayerfor the firsttime,pleasenotethattheyoftenhavesimple causes that are equally simple to correct. Read the chapte r entitled
Loudspeaker and signal cables
ThecablesemployedinanyHiFisystemhaveacruc ial influenceonthesoundofthesystemasawhole. thereforerecommendstheuseofhighqualitycables and connectors.
For this reason has developed its own range of cableswhichincludestheidealtypeforeveryappl ication. These cables are designed to match the special characteristics of our loudspeakers and harmonise perfectlywiththem.
Fordifficultandcrampedsetupconditionsyoucan also use speciallength cables and rightangle connector s fromthe rangeofaccessories.Withtheseitemsyou cansolvevirtuallyanyproblemconcerningconnect ions andsetup.
Mains leads and mains filters
Themainspowersupplycarriestheessentialenergy to operate your equipment, but also often carries inte r ference from distant equipment, radios and computer systems.
To shield your equipment from electromagnetic inte | r |
ference, our accessory range includes the specially |
shielded 'POWER FOUR' mains lead, the readymade |
'POWER LINE' mains lead with integral wraparound filters,andthe 'POWER BAR'filteredmainsdistribution panel. Using these accessories can in many cases improvethereproductionqualityofourequipment.
Foranyquestions concerningcablesandwiring plea |
| se |
contactyourlocal specialistdealer,whoistrainedto |
| |
providecomprehensiveandunbiasedassistance.Wew | ill | |
alsobedelightedtosendyouafullinformationpa | ckon | |
thissubject. |