the stop bracket with a little force to the right side; the stop bracket can now be completely unfolded. See drawing {E}.
CAUTION:Make sure that when measuring from the unfolded endpiece, the measuring reference is set to "End piece"!
1x briefly: the next measurement is taken from the front edge.
2x briefly: the measurement is taken from the unfolded end piece.
After one measurement, the reference returns auto- matically to the default setting (rear reference).
1x long: the measurements are taken with the front as reference until a new measuring refer- ence is set
2x long: the measurements are taken from the unfolded end piece until a new measuring refer- ence is set.
See drawing {F}.
Single Distance Measurement
1x briefly: the laser is activated.
1x briefly: a distance measurement is taken.
The result is displayed immediately.
Continuous measurement
Distances can be measured with this function 1x long: a "beep" is sounded.A continuous measurement is started.
1x briefly: the continuous measurement is stopped.
The last measured value is displayed in the summary line.
This function enables determining the minimum or maximum distance from a specific measuring point, e.g. the determination of room diagonals (maximum value) or horizontal distance (minimum value).
Switching on continuous measurement (see above).
The corresponding maximum and minimum values are displayed.
Addition / Subtraction
Distance Measurement.
1x briefly: the next measurement is added to the previous one.
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Leica DISTO™ D2 762960 en