Using the Home Media Gallery
Displaying the Song Options menu
•Press to display Song Options menu:
| Acoustic Guitar | 1214 items |
| Electrified | Song Options |
| End Of The Road | Play song |
| Into The Arena | Add to Quicklist |
Artist:Artist:DepPioneercheAllModeStars | Keep On Running |
Never Let You Gohe |
| |
Album: Remixes |
| |
Album: Acoustic Guitar |
Genre:Genre:RockAlternative | Open Your Eyes |
Format: WMA |
| |
Format: WMA |
| Pictures Of My Life |
| Real Sound |
| Rush Street |
| Take The Time |
•Play Song: Play the selected song from the beginning.
•Add to Quicklist: Add the selected song to your Quicklist. The Quicklist feature is a useful way to organize music files for handy
selection and playback. The Quicklist can contain up to 25 songs.1
Displaying the Browse menu
•Press to display the Browse menu:
| Acoustic Guitar | 1214 items | |
| Electrified | 9:31 | |
| End Of The Road | 8:00 | |
| Into The Arena | 7:31 | |
| Keep On Running | 3:55 | |
All Songs | Never Let You Go | 6:33 | |
Open Your Eyes | 5:26 | ||
Browse | |||
Pictures Of My Life | 4:57 | ||
Search | |||
Sort | Real Sound | 9:36 | |
Now Playing | Rush Street | 6:18 | |
Music Sources | Take The Time | 6:18 | |
Depending on the browse menu, certain options may not be selectable.
•All Songs: Display all songs (files/tracks) found on the server.
•Browse: Browse songs by Artist, Album, Genre, Playlists, Quicklist or Folders. See also Browsing songs below.
•Search: Find a song by entering a name (or a few letters) to search for. The search results are narrowed down as you enter more letters. See also Searching songs below.
•Sort: Sort songs by date (oldest first or most recent first), or alphabetically by song title, artist, album or genre (‘A’ first or ‘Z’ first).
•Now Playing: Display song information (track name, artist, album, genre, etc.) and playback information. See also Now playing song information on page 38.
•Music Sources: Display servers on the network. See also Music sources on page 38.
Browsing songs
The Browse sub-menu gives you various ways to browse songs.
| Acoustic Guitar | 1214 items | |
| Electrified | 9:31 | |
| End Of The Road | 8:00 | |
| Into The Arena | 7:31 | |
| Keep On Running | 3:55 | |
Go back | Never Let You Go | 6:33 | |
Open Your Eyes | 5:26 | ||
Artists | |||
Pictures Of My Life | 4:57 | ||
Albums | |||
Genres | Real Sound | 9:36 | |
Playlists | Rush Street | 6:18 | |
Quicklist | |||
Take The Time | 6:18 | ||
Folders | |||
•Go back: Return to the previous menu.
•Artists: Display a list of artists, and how many albums are associated with each. Select an artist and press ENTER to see the album list by that artist.
•Albums: Display a list of albums, and how many songs are associated with each. Select an album and press ENTER to see the list of songs on that album.
•Genres: Display all music genres, and how many songs are in each one. Select a genre and press ENTER to see the list of artists in that genre.
•Playlists: Display the server Playlists.
•Quicklist: Display a list of all the songs currently in your Quicklist. Press to display the Song Options menu, where you can start playback or remove songs from the Quicklist:
| Quicklist | 24 items |
| Electrified | Song Options |
| End Of The Road | Play song |
| Into The Arena | Remove |
Artist: Pioneer All Stars | Keep On Running |
Album: Acoustic Guitar | Never Let You Go |
Genre: Rock |
Format: WMA | Open Your Eyes |
| Pictures Of My Life |
| Real Sound |
| Rush Street |
| Take The Time |
•Folders: Display a list of folders and song files. Select a folder and press ENTER to see the list of songs and subfolders within the folder. (The folder configuration may change depending on the server type.) When you play a file in this mode, continuous play of files in that folder does not occur.
Searching songs
From the Search
Search Results | Loading••• |
4 items | |
Reason | 1:31 |
Real Sound | 1:02 |
Rolling Dice | 1:31 |
Rush Street | 1:25 |
R _ |
| Home Menu Exit |
See Searching movies on page 34 for how to use the screen keypad.
Note |
1 Quicklists are lost in the following instances: |
• When you exit Music Navigator. |
• When you change the server to which you are connected. | 37 |