Camera: Gives authority over camera confi gurations.
Alarm: Gives authority over sensor and alarm confi gurations.
External monitor: Gives authority for external monitor video feed
confi gurations.
Recording: Gives authority over recording confi gurations.
Schedule: Gives authority over recording schedule confi gurations.
motion: Gives authority over motion recording confi gurations.
Emergency: Gives authority over emergency situation confi gurations.
Video Loss: Gives authority over video loss notifi cations.
Backup: Gives authority over backup confi gurations.
Network: Gives authority over network confi gurations.
DDNS: Gives authority over DDNS confi gurations.
Stream Control: Gives authority over streaming options.
Setting: Gives watermark, video standard, recording method, system reboot, and language confi guration authorities.
Date/Time: Gives authority over system date and time confi gurations.
Information: Gives authority to view information on system operating system and hardware, DVR program, etc.
Audio: Gives authority over audio confi gurations.
Emergency monitor: Gives authority over emergency remote notifi cation settings.
POS: Gives authority over POS confi gurations.
Object Watch: Gives authority over object detection confi gurations.
External Keyboard: Gives authority over external keyboard confi gurations.
Assign monitoring and search camera channels for the user or group.
Admin account has all DVR access rights. The admin account can create, void, and access other user accounts.
Adding a Group
1.To add a new user group, click on the Add button from the following window:
2.Enter the name and description for the new group.
3. Click on the OK button to fi nish.
44_ System Setup