This feature is used to search for when objects have appeared and disappeared in a user designated zone.
1Video Display window
This section is where you defi ne object detection zones and shows a video image of the selected camera. To search for changes on a selected channel. Mark a zone(s) on the grid at the area of interest.
Defi ne the object search timeframe and monitor- ing zone sensitivity.
Set: Use to designate the search sensitivity.
Area Edit: Use to select the whole screen and clear the screen or use select block to pick individual blocks in the grid.
Continued Search: Set the amount of thumbnails to show for each search. Tick the continued search box to make search continue from the last time entry of a preceding search.
Start & End: Use to designate the search timeframe.
Click the Search button to start the object Search
4Object Detection window
Search results are displayed in this section. Displays video images in which a change has been detected inside the object detection zone.
With the search timeframe confi gured as 00:00:00 to 24:00:00, video data analysis may require a long time to fi nish if the subject data contains numerous object change events. For this reason, SEC recommends that you search in
advanced search _61