DLP Projjecttor – User’’s Manuall
Adjust Menu Descriptions and Functions
The Adjust menu contains overall projector settings for image output such as sharpness, overscan and color matrix.
Three tabs are accessible through the Adjust menu, Image, Image Options and Video.
Image menu
The Image tab is used to alter picture settings and can be accessed from the Adjust menu.
The following table lists all functions with a description and the default setting.
| |
Image select | Select a set of preset values using Ż or Ź from the list. Notice that the below val- | |
ues will change depending on the preset selection. | ||
| ||
| |
Detail setting | See Detail Setting Menu Descriptions and Functions on page 59. | |
| |
Contrast | Adjust the Contrast value using ŻorŹ to highlight the differences between light | |
and dark areas of the picture. | ||
| ||
| |
Brightness | Adjust the Brightness value using ŻorŹ to lighten or darken the picture. | |
| |
Sharpness | Adjust the Sharpness value using ŻorŹ to sharpen or blur the borders between | |
colors and objects. | ||
| ||
| |
Color | Adjust the Color value using ŻorŹ to increase or decrease color input to the pic- | |
ture. | ||
| ||
| |
Tint | Adjust the Tint value using ŻorŹ to increase or decrease the color hue of the pic- | |
ture. | ||
| ||
| |
Reset | The settings and adjustments are set to initial factory settings. | |
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