The Electronic Program Guide
2In the New User section, tap Register here to subscribe to the Philips EPG Internet Service. The Legal Notice page appears.
3Read the legal notice and tap the Accept button. The Identification page appears.
4In the Username text box, enter a user name. You can make up your own user name.
5In the Password text box, enter a password.
You can make up your own password. Write down your username and password here for further reference: Username: ....................................................................
Password: .....................................................................
6In the Confirm password text box, reenter the password.
7In the Email address text box, enter your email address (optional). The email address will be used in case you forget your password.
Note Only if you enter an email address will you be able to recover your password. In the Forgot your password? section of the EPG welcome page, you can read how to recover your password.
If you do not enter an email address, you will have to register again when you forget your password.
8To have your browser remember the username, select the Remember me checkbox.
9Click the Subscribe button.
The Congratulations page appears.
After the registration, you can personalize the information that will be sent to you.
iPronto User Guide