scroll wheel, 6, 29 set up
iPronto, 15 network, 20
Application Settings, 32 System Settings, 14, 32
SmartSurf, 48, 58 soft button, 38 speaker, 6
status display, 6, 27 stylus, 6 subscription, 50 surf, 44, 59
System Settings, 19, 32 About, 15 General, 15 Network, 23 Wireless, 21
system sounds, 19
T | V |
time, 17 | View Control button, 32 |
time format, 16 | WAP, 8, 21 |
time out, 18, 56 | watch device selection |
adapter, 18 | mechanism, 49, 58 |
battery, 18 | Watch Feature, 48, 58 |
timezone, 16 | Wireless Access Point, 8, 21 |
Tools tab, 38 | Wireless LAN Adapter, 8, 59 |
touch screen, 27 | wireless settings, 21 |
touchstrip, 30 |
troubleshooting, 56 |
U |
universal remote control, 35 |
upload, 42 |
URL, 45, 46 |
USB, 29 |
iPronto User Guide
Documentation concept and elaboration: The Human Interface Group, de Regenboog 11, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium. http://www.higroup.com