Philips 29PT instruction manual International Guarantee Conditions,  !#$%

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This product is guaranteed by Philips for a period of one year after the date of purchase against defects due to faulty workmanship or materials. The guarantee covers both parts and labour.

Service under guarantee is only provided upon presentation of resonable evidence (e.g. completed guarantee card or purchase receipts) that the date of the claim is within the guarantee period.

The guarantee is not valid if the defect is due to accidental damage (including in transport), misuse or neglect and in case of alterations or repair carried out by unauthorized persons.

The guarantee may not apply if the product requires modification or adaptation to enable it to operate in any country other than the country for which it was designed, manufactured, approved and/or authorized or if any damage results from these modifications.

Service (during and after guarantee) is available in all countries where this product is officially distributed by Philips. In countries where Philips do not distribute the product, the local Philips Service organization will also provide Service although there may be a delay if the appropriate spare parts and technical manual are not readily available.

These statements do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

In the event of difficulty please contact the Philips Information Centre in any country (see enclosed addresses).


Philips garantiza este producto durante 1 año, a partir de la fecha de adquisición, contra defectos debidos a una imperfecta fabricación o malos materiales. Esta garantía cubre tanto las piezas de recambio como la mano de obra.

Las reparaciónes que pudieran producírse durante el período de vigencia de la presente garantía se efectuarán solo si se presenta una razonable evidencia (por ejemplo, mediante la presente garantía, debidamente cumplimentada, o la factura de compra), de que la fecha de la queja está dentro del período de garantía.

Esta garantía no tendrá validez si el defecto es debido a un deterioro accidental; un uso inadecuado o un mal trato y en el caso de modificaciónes o reparaciónes efectuadas por personal no autorizado.

El servicio (durante y despues de la garantía) está disponible en todoa los países donde el producto es ofícialmente distribuido por Philips.

En países donde Philips no distribuya el producto, la organización local de Servicio Philips dará también el servicio necesario, aunque puede producirse una demora si los adecuados recambios no están fácilmente disponibles.

En todo caso, el titular de la garantía tiene todos los derechos mínimos reconocidos por la Ley. En el caso de cualquier dificultad, por favor dirijase al : Centro de Information al Consumidor (vease lista adjunta).




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5/7/98, 11:09 AM

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Contents L e v i s i o n I nSs t r u c t i o n M a n u a l Preparation Useful Tips Connecting peripheral equipment Connection for playbackConnect to AV sockets Connect to aerial socketConnection for headphones Connection for recordingFrom the TV channel you are watching From one VCR to another VCRFor 29PT models TV’s controlsFor 25PT models Using the remote control Digit Surf A/CH Surf or alternate Channel Teletext function Sound modeControls Menus 1st level 2nd levelInstalling the TV Tuning in the TV channelsSelecting the menu language Auto store…installing the tv SwapManual Do the following steps to go into Installation menu How to deal with poor picture receptionSkip channels Fine tuning For dual system setsPersonal settings Picture settingsHow to do adjustment Smart Picture Key repeatedly to select RICH, NATURAL, Soft or PersonalSound settings Incredible stereoAVL-Auto Volume Leveller Smart SoundSwitch to mono Personal preference settingsPersonal preference Select first or second languageTo set timer SleeptimerChild Lock To lock channels …child lockTo unlock channels How to call up channels in the surf list Creating a surf listDeleting channels from a surf list Selecting alternate channel A/CHTeletext only available in certain models Press Result On/off TeletextSymptoms Before calling for serviceWhat you should do Specification International Guarantee Conditions  !#$%Consumer Information Centres Eastern Europe North America Middle East